"The Wartime Presidency" Part [0-3 (4) in the works]
If this is a true theory [damn good writ-up by the way] than it very well may explain
the interdasting Mural of the Presidents at the Washington DC Presidential Visitors Center.
Images taken on 12/21/21.
[There is a video on this but can't remember which SM platform it was posted on. The woman in
video was shocked to find this.
No Trump "end date".
NO BIDEN![Images related]
Laying in bed last night, not feeling the "Happy" vibe, it occurred to me that "23", and "the pain"
may be speaking of 2023. If DJT is the acting "wartime" Pres. then something BIG will be happening
in the near future. He keeps saying we [the nation] will never make it to the mid-terms nor 2024, also his parting
words as he departed for Florida last Jan.was,"We will be back, in some form."
Is this acting "exiled wartime President" that "form"?
Otherwise all that we have witnessed so far, is for nothing.