More crazy storms in the SE right now. if you live down there you need to be watching ryanhallyall, y'all
How the fuck is their sewage anywhere NEAR a beach???
Took me longer, but im right there with you, anon. My grown sons quickly followed suit. Daughter drinks but very little and very rarely - aside from that we are all done with alcohol
Not even sure how you are able to read based on that post
Kat Cammack did NOT commit suicide!
Posting this again
Tornadoes popping off all over KY and TN right now and Ryan is a over it
Not looking good there today. Warning alarms going off simultaneously in KY and TN right now
Sorry Pompy, you ain't Trump
That guy is a stellar human, happy to share him far and wide
Maybe the Queen deserves a thank you for pushing old Tony back into the spotlight; he had become rather irrelevant before that. Now all eyes in UK are on him, as are many eyes elsewhere
That works too!