is general Flynn the traitor?
He worked for and survived 44's purge
Made Satanic spell in church?
Lin W always preaching
who do you believe?
is general Flynn the traitor?
He worked for and survived 44's purge
Made Satanic spell in church?
Lin W always preaching
who do you believe?
I have a hard time trusting military
when have they ever sided with the people when the people didn't give them permission to go to war?
They sit idly by while our country is invaded and attacked.
Same goes for the police, protecting bankers and criminals while failing to uphold constitutional laws.
something has to give, unfortunately another year has passed and corruption reins supreme while patriots in name only argue over who's more patriotic getting the most clicks.
I want to be hopeful. but I'm all out of it. New year, same as last year, nothing has changed.
LW sounds like a man on conviction, Flynn like a controlled opposition IC operation.
it's always next week or some other pushed of date.
When the clock is wrong, it buys another year of delta promises
so frustrating
so what year is this really?
if they can kill your kids with bioweapons and vaccines what's a few marines?
does that extend to welcoming and opening the door to the military when they come to your home/town?
Q also said the ones you trust most are the worst, go figure
I was more thinking gun confiscation and forced vaccine
I appreciate the service/ belief, just not to the MIC and the political /ses betrayal and soldiering for Is Ra El.
Can't judge a man in hindsight, but moving forward, military can't say they did not know.
your logic only applies if Q is 100% a operation of justice
so far that has no way of being substantiated, only hoped for.
Believing you can be fully informed and leaving no room for doubt is doomed to failure and deceit, IMO
I both hope and need you to be right, I just see corruption and mass psychosis.
Q clock and trying to predict/explain has led to utter distrust of all including fellow beings with eyes open.
Who can you really trust?
Q's plan claims biblical, but for Q to be right then the Bible is wrong.
Is it true, to the best of your knowledge, no religious exemptions have been approved for marines?
I read that recently and that is just so wrong.
narrow paths and narrower gate
few will enter
I will cause them to not hear
book of life
the list is long, and difficult to discern/debate
Loyalty can be a cutting edge, so very wrong!
How do they stay faithful in these times?
Very difficult position to be in.
Good luck to your son, I hope this resolves before he is forced to decide.