Only the non-citizens and Libtards will bother to vote anymore anyways. Why would Conservatives bother to vote in a rigged election?
Like being invited to participate in a game where the other team is guaranteed a win by corrupt referees.
Only the non-citizens and Libtards will bother to vote anymore anyways. Why would Conservatives bother to vote in a rigged election?
Like being invited to participate in a game where the other team is guaranteed a win by corrupt referees.
I said the exact same thing.
Kinda hard to do when the elections are rigged.
And they are still rigged.
I haven't seen any public hangings of the traitors who rigged the 2020 elections.
And Potato is still pretending he got 81 million votes and playing pretend POTUS.
Well, they aren't wrong.
When the hell is something actually going to happen besides Potato running around saying & doing stupid shit that is ruining our Country?