no, Jesus wouldn't promote bad behaviour
there is evil here in the synagogue of satan, and it is not the 'work' of Jesus.
cannabis makes alcohol seem like a waste, which it is, fermented sugar from spoiled fruit
humans are 'unbalanced' but ยจ'balanced' in the sense that humans by nature do not want to act non-human, i.e. not as jews
anons, if you flatten the surface of a sphere, would you get a rectangle shape or a square?
what changes can be expected of the electric permeability in molten vs solid metal?
all humans are tasked by humanity to compensate for the damage caused by the dehumanized (i.e. the jews)
soon: 'proof of vote' is 'democrat suppression'
needs more 'sauce' than cellphone pic of screen with added colored arrow and circle and highlighted words
>gave a jaw-dropping $15 billion to their foundation in July
from one of their 'organizations' to another, to get 'tax refunds' from donations that just return back to their own bank account
but if he is 'rich', then he is 'important' enough to 'listen to' on vaxx-advice that he openly wants to make money off of.
>what changes can be expected of the electric permeability in molten vs solid metal?
is molten metal a storage of electricity?
not aimed at you anon
jews murdered JFK for his investigation in the construction of the isntrael dimona nuclear 'plant' (i.e nuclear warheads for the 'samon options')
the demon of dimona
if you aren't buying the vaxx bs then you aren't buying the marxx bs either
awarding satanists
not complying with forcefully becoming part of the the mRNA-humanod race s maybe the 'racist'
'most senior knighthood' sounds like the bs masonic 'most excellent magnificent grandiloquent and not lame at all 'lodge master'' (i.e the guy that should close up shop at the end of the day)
anyone who spent so much time in h-wood and still smiles 'widely' as if to not understand it to be (((hell)))-wood is suspect, because they lure in new victims that way
the facemask could be more 'tolerant'
the satanic 'hold' over UK with the EU able to watch critically compared to Australia and New Zealand and to 'watch out' for 'critique' from China.
'beware of false prophets'
how much 'individual thought' is there in genital mutilation of infants?
the image reads 'uh, no, look, why is this false 'animal'-thing creature also here?'
it is probably possible to say that the notes that were given to the bushes and their ilk at the funeral of opium-george did not contain an image of a swastika
'commonly' 2022
it has not been decided
possible to avoid vaxx as reservist?
vaxx 'mandates' in an environment where you are expected to follow 'รถrders'
if I was in that situation I would take it to military court and argue against it
If I was really into the US MIL I would then try to find a different state to work from.
maybe in Florida it will be more thought-out?
with DeSantis
I think I mostly forgot how it is to be drunk
rachel maddow = real meltdown
those arsonists, they are missing some vital part of their mind