>incarnated extraterrestrials
Parents and Coaches and Sergeant Instructors can attest to variety in the population of souls that incarnate into Earth School.
Perhaps some of that variety is explained by the following postulate.
In every planet/REALM School there is a native soul population who repeatedly matriculates there until they graduate and move on; and there is also a small population of "special students" who matriculate in as a type of special agent to effect God's purposes as boots-on-the-ground agents.
Since the soul groups from which these special agents come are not currently tied to Earth School, it would perhaps be not a reach to call those special student "incarnated extraterrestrials".
Since these special students are not exempt from Earth School's potent Veil of Forgetting, there is often a need to awaken them to their true identity so that they may effectively execute their mission; re: Q operation.