>>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
Jizzlane didn't kill herself.
>>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
Jizzlane didn't kill herself.
RRN reminds me of Q in that you know theres something to it, but you're not sure what exactly.
Any executive summary?
That's gay.
It's a disaster rn, anon, sadly. Newscum has lost 2 elections so far.
Is Guillaime-Barre fatal?
Jill was going on a drugs date with her stepson.
Of course she wouldn't, thats ridiculous. No reason to kill her, none at all.
Women are why we have faggots, libtards and commies in high offices of govt.
Nutshell please?
CIA and FBI should be abolished as unlawful. Obviously.
Yeah, Creepy Joe visited him numerous times, with great danger to his life.
I figure 2022 is Creepy's last year as Resident. What say you, anon?
Thank you. Ive always thought that Benedict is the real Pope and Francis is like an Obama, fake. catholicanon
Just look at the creeps who surround ChiFi, Nanshy, Chuckie et al.
If the USA had its act together, we would have annexed Mexico by now.
The immediate deaths may have peaked, as people will eschew it. The intermediate and long-term kills have hardly started though.
Ikr. Trust Wray.
Twatter and fakebook are going to lost a sudden and massive amount of market share and cap when Truth Social launches in 2 months.
Yeah. jk
Same thing I noticed.
actual keks
Scary. More like Halloween.
They could force Creepy out, then impeach Kamel to hand select P and VP.
Roger that observation.
Jung's article on synchronicity is very interesting, recommended.
James Carville for SCOTUS.
Vitavegevitamin is code for the Devils Lettuce.
Possibly Q's most retarded post, after "Trust the plan" of course.
She aint no milk dud nigga.
Me too, makes me just want to quit.
I feel we'll know a lot more about the vaccine effects in 1 year.
Yeah, isn't Mike 3-4 inches taller than QueerBarry and also longer?
Takes away choice.
Yes. I mean, No, that's preposterous!
From the experiment.
Would be interesting to see mortality in the US during Trump, then Biden, just for keks.
Zombie is a word that's been occurring to me lately here in deep blue, vaccinated Cal.
There are a multitude of normie and libtard idiots who only believe what muh tv says. That's why the traitors need to be tried on muh tv, executions etc. PPV will pay for it all.
Concur with that. The libtards really started taking over public schools in the 70s and ramped it up until now, when they have failed. Because libtards are crooked morons with bad values and bad ideas.
The period 1988-2016 was a US Dark Age. This Creepy problem won't last long, we should get back on track again pretty soon, so we all will see it.
There are definitely grounds for a shooting war. No question.
Shill alert.