Those who haven't broken thru programming are either:
Very comfortable, but staying busy living in relative obscurity, unchallenged, and never challenging the status quo.. You can call it asleep.. but more accurately, it's the opposite of disillusionment.. Their susceptibility itself isn't a spell, its natural, but they are susceptible to spells, because they're not used to asking questions, rarely driven to ask questions. They take all white noise at face value. Daily routines are white noise, mainstream narratives are white noise.. this perceived as natural, and they expect this white noise is the foundation of everyone else's mindspace.. redpills are a disturbance, and sort of taboo, because you mostly see it on the internet.. people only talk about it in public at big ass rallies or in quiet echo chambers.
The real anon here are
Mostly not stupid; pretty intelligent in fact
Have developed a habit of doubting everything for whatever adversity or other reason
To win all the normies hearts, minds and ambitions, there has to be a sea of red noise in the real world, outside of echo chambers. Constant polite but sincere and constant, and constant, and constant complaints about losing freedoms, hypocrisy and corruption in government and elites, governing with $ instead of public approval (ie excessive lobbying from extremely wealthy individuals or entities that don't represent a large interest of the public), term limits, both parties foul.. reawakening.. need a sea of red noise.