Anonymous ID: 13861b Jan. 2, 2022, 8:44 a.m. No.15295718   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>– Petraeus has not been following the media firestorm over the extramarital affair that led to his resignation. “He wants to maintain a distance and focus on his family at this time,” his aide, retired Col. Peter Mansoor, said Wednesday.


When I was about 20, I had a gf whose father was a colonel in the Air Force, stationed at Sumter AFB. For a few months I lived with them in base housing, and soon was made aware that my gf's mother was having an affair with a general. Her father was a very upright and honorable man. Looking back on this (First Iraq War era), I am old enough to wonder how he put up with having me as a live-in in his house, but he did, and he was never a dick. Anyway, I learned during that time what a huge NO-NO it is in military society to fuck a fellow soldier's wife. But apparently generals, who are really just politicians without charisma, are excluded from this rule, and almost certainly in order to have them blackmailed and in the pocket of the enemy.

Anonymous ID: 13861b Jan. 2, 2022, 9:45 a.m. No.15295957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Make sure that the vaccine injury program (the CICP) never pays a dime to COVID vaccine victims. Even paying out a dime would be an acknowledgment that the vaccines aren’t safe. That would cause vaccine hesitancy. We cannot have that."


The Australian government just announced that it would begin paying for damages.