notes on key dates in DEVOLVED vid
DEVOLVED | Vol 1 - A Fortified Election | Based on Devolution by Patel Patriot
by Dauntless Dialogue
Dec 29, 2021, 32 min video
Pretty good intro but with a least one factual error, see below
Documented KEY DATES
[Introduction to the idea of devolution]
May 11 2017
Pres Advisory commission on electoral integrity established - plays an advisory role
Sept 12 2018
Executive Order 13848
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
Nov 19 2018 (Wikipedia says Nov 16 2018)
created CISA - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
meant to protect the Nation's critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats
Dec 20, 2019
"the following month" NO - it was 13 mos later
Space Force created
Feb 17, 2020
Tom Cotton brings up Wuhan lab as possible source of CV-19
now we know it's true - May 1 2020, Trump said he'd seen evidence
Mar 18, 2020
Newsweek publishes an article on Continuity of Govt Plan in context of Covid pandemic
Octagon, Freejack, Zodiac - very secret plans for continuity of gov't
Claims that Trump ordered military in Feb to review these plans
Date not given
CBS asked Trump whether he's seen evidence it was China that was the source of the virus.
He said yes.
[Rest of vid discusses key role of CV-19 pandemic as launching pad for stealing of election and the ongoing role it plays in pushing global totalitarianism]