Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 8:53 p.m. No.15299675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9677 >>9751 >>9844 >>0114 >>0247 >>0316 >>0324

Katy Perry -Electric

This video has a them of DARK to LIGHT.

Watch Katiy's costume changes.

She wears a TIGER stripe dres representing the handler

who normally pushes young people into Monarch or MK Mind Control slavery

But here she leads the way from Dark to Light

When she is all in white, she is the ANGEL OF LIGHT

Broadcasting a message of hope and power from the lighthouse

As the guitarist in stripes, she is the naive young person

Set up for failure and exploitation by a handler\

But then she ditches the stripes of ignorance

And puts on a LEOPARD coat,

And becomes a SPOTTED LION channeling her own power

And attracting HER OWN AUDIENCE,

Not the artificial audience that is given to Monarch slaves

This is after Katy has flipped and become a leader in freeing the Monarchs

She, along with SIA have been making many music videos in the last year or two

That are teaching young people the way to true freedom.

Patriots Are Now In Controlof Hollywood and the music industry.

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 8:54 p.m. No.15299677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9687 >>9751 >>9844 >>0114 >>0247 >>0316 >>0324



Sia - Music Video "Thunderclouds" (Decoded)


The video starts with a closeup of an owl with glowing red eyes, that serves as an hood ornament. So we immediately know, that the car is owned by a freemason/member of another dark secret society. Later we see the "third eye" painted on the door and backside of the car. It symbolizes awareness/open Minds Eye.


A puppet clown (CIA=Clowns In America) with Sias hairstyle, who has strings attached to him (controlled), spots a small thundercloud (dangerous lightning=hit? and rain/water=info) with a looking glass. Rain/water (info) is threatening, because in this context rain represents damaging info that could e.g. reveal the identity of the agent. Decoding @Symbols explained this by showing pictures of the Bushes, seemingly being unable to pull a rain cape over their heads. It sends the comm, that they can't protect themselves from damaging info.


He stands on top of the flying hippie car and seems to serve as a lookout.

Sia (played by Maddie Ziegler) also notices the thundercloud through the window of the car and climbs on top of it to help the clown. Heat and light hinder her from taking his hand and the clown vanishes. From this point onward Sia takes his place on top of the car, with a new outfit. The big blue loop on her head are visually reminding of Mickey Mouse ears. I think they serve the same reason as the looking glass did for the clown: improving senses to be a good lookout for threats. She makes some dancemoves where her arms are seemingly yanked upwards by the elbows (strings attached).


The driver of the car is Diplo, who wears a hat (job comm). He controls the car and Sia (psychic driving symbolism). Labrinth is also a mage who flies sitting on a cloud next to the car. When the car is out of fuel it sinks out of the sky and Sias energy is also depleted, another hint that she is connected to the car.


The group gathers around a campfire at night, while Diplo is checking the engine of the car.

A small thundercloud chases Sia around and the other members of the group witness a magical flower fully opening and Diplo nods in approval. We see it from behind, so it's hard to identify the specific flower. Because of the next scene, I think it symbolizes Sia's enlightenment.


Sia learns the Magic of symbolism by playing cards with the thundercloud. She does not fear the thundercloud anymore and seemingly has befriended it. Labrinth flies up with his cloud and meets a butterfly (butterfly effect = a small action, like a butterlfy flapping its wings, can lead to a great consequence, like a storm). Labrinth harnesses lightning from the butterfly.


Labrinth brings the power down to the group and Diplo uses a bat (Decoding @Symbols identified the bat as a symbol for Trump, because of sports comms - read on his Blog for further explanation: almost at the bottom) to transfer the power from Labrinths cloud into the engine of the car.


edit: I am not sure if the Bat can symbolize Trump outside of complete sports comms. Maybe it is too far fetched?


Gaining power from (maybe) Trump and the Storm (remember: The calm before the storm?) implies that the group flipped over to the side of the patriots. They don't have to fear the thunderclouds anymore, since they most likely won't get hit with damaging info. As a consequence they start their car again and fly right through the storm. Sia dances on the roof again, but she is not attached to strings, she rather uses magic to send out lightning strikes. Labrinth helps the group to make it out of the storm.


Sia turns around and is happy and sad at the same time. She parts in love from the small thundercloud. Now it finally rains and the group witnesses the whole land becoming green. This symbolizes the effect of declassified info on the world: The beginning of a prosperous golden era of truth.


So, like the lyrics say: Don't be afraid of the thunderclouds, even if you have trust issues for a good reason.


I hope you enjoyed this short ride. It seems to me that Music Videos are I really nice start to practice decoding. Please don't refrain from correcting my errors or add something. I'm eager to learn. Have a great day.

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 8:56 p.m. No.15299687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9751 >>0114 >>0247 >>0316 >>0324



Not The End Of The World

Katy visits the blue alien people and saves the world by unplugging the Internet


An 'Internet apocalypse' could ride to Earth with the next solar storm, new research warns


It's not the end of the world

No, not the end of the world

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's no funeral we're attending

Actually, just the beginning

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's not the end of the

No, not the end of the world

You can catch a star if the sky is falling down

There's a golden lining up in every single cloud

You can take a frown turn it all the way around

All the way around, all the, all the way around

A fortune teller told me the power's in your mind

You might see a cliff, but I see a way to fly

Flipping off the flop, now I just enjoy the ride

Just enjoy the world, yeah, I just enjoy the ride

Na, na, na, na, what a time

Na, na, na, na, to be alive

Don't say goodbye

It's not the end of the world

No, not the end of the world

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's no funeral we're attending

Actually, just the beginning

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's not the end of the

No, not the end of the world

You can make a wish even on a satellite

On a plastic lash or anything you like

You can tame a dragon if you're not afraid to fight

Not afraid to fight, no, not afraid

Na, na, na, na, what a time

Na, na, na, na, to be alive

Don't say goodbye (don't say goodbye)

It's not the end of the world

No, not the end of the world

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

It's no funeral we're attending

Actually, just the beginning

Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire

Don't lose hope

Na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na

Don't say goodbye (don't say goodbye)

Na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na

Don't say goodbye

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 8:56 p.m. No.15299689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9692

After Trump's Inauguration

33 days pass

And a song is released

On the23rdday of February

Lions by Skip Marley

At the same time social media is filled with lion images

Portraying Trump as a Lion of Persia

The singer tells us how to make the DeepState

Feel The Pain

By all rising up united as one America diverse and free

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 8:57 p.m. No.15299692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9751 >>0114 >>0247 >>0316 >>0324



Miley sings about strings removed (ropes)

About being free of control

Midnight Sky symbolizes the bright light of the full moon

She ends up wearing purple

Because she is empress of her life

And yellow symbolising gold/wealth

With black polka dots of a seductress

Who knows the secrets of the dark side of the moon

Another sign that Patriots Are Now In Control


P.S. do you know why Minnie Mouse wore polka dots

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 9:49 p.m. No.15299926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9937 >>9998 >>0008

Situation Update, Dec 28, 2021 -This entire REALITY is pure THEATER… we've been tricked by ACTORS the entire time

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 10:02 p.m. No.15299986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9989 >>0114 >>0247 >>0316 >>0324

Does P really equal PRUSSIA? More than one of Q's CUEs leads us to this. For instance, it was the Prussian nobility who financed the Nazi party's rise to power.

The Prussian Origins of Modern Education


There were 6 key outcomes for the Prussian education system:

‣ Obedient soldiers to the army,

‣ Obedient workers for mines, factories, and farms,

‣ Well-subordinated civil servants, trained in their function,

‣Well-subordinated clerks for industry,

‣ Citizens who thought alike on most issues,

‣ National uniformity in thought, word, and deed.


Many believe Lenin and Trotsky’s Bolshevik revolution was the result of a grass roots movement, but that is completely false. Instead, in order to get the revolution off the ground, Lenin needed money; and lots of it. He found that money from Kaiser Wilhelm II, the Kaiser of Germany and King of Prussia.


As we shall also discover in another dig, Karl Marx was most likely a Prussian agent operating for and on behalf of the King of Prussia and to use Marxism as a means to destabilize nations ripe for the raping of its resources.


Dig deeply because Prussia is a key to many things. And going back to the time of the Crusades, there is a link to the Prut River separating Moldova and Romania as the origin of the Pruteni who became Prussia and some of whom later dominated Britain. In other words, Prussian origins are found in the Phoenician/Komnenes Byzantine empire.

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 10:04 p.m. No.15299989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0114 >>0247 >>0316 >>0324


The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation Into the Prison of Modern Schooling


"The World's Most Courageous Teacher" reveals the inner circle secrets of the American school system. The legendary schoolteacher, John Taylor Gatto, invested over 10 years of dedicated research to uncover some of the most alarming ideas and writings by the creators and advocates of mandatory attendance schooling, which show where the system came from and why it was created. He combined these facts with his personal experience as a teacher for 30 years in New York public schools, where he won many awards, including being named State Teacher of the Year twice, and has authored an all-time classic.


The Long Reach Of The Teutonic Knights

In 1876, before setting off from America to Germany to study, William H. Welch, an ambitious young Bostonian, told his sister: “If by absorbing German lore I can get a little start of a few thousand rivals and thereby reduce my competition to a few hundred more or less it is a good point to tally.” Welch did go off to Germany for the coveted Ph.D., a degree which at the time had its actual existence in any practical sense only there, and in due course his ambition was satisfied. Welch became first dean of Johns Hopkins Medical School and, later, chief advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation on medical projects. Welch was one of thousands who found the German Ph.D. a blessing without parallel in late-nineteenth-century America. German Ph.D.’s ruled the academic scene by then.


For an ironic reflection on the success of Prussian educational ideals, take a look at Martin Van Creveld’s Fighting Power (Greenwood Press, 1982). Creveld, the world’s finest military historian, undertakes to explain why German armies in 1914—1918 and 1939—1945, although heavily outnumbered in the major battles of both wars, consistently inflicted 30 percent more casualties than they suffered, whether they were winning or losing, on defense or on offense, no matter who they fought. They were better led, we might suspect, but the actual training of those field commanders comes as a shock. While American officer selection was right out of Frederick Taylor, complete with psychological dossiers and standardized tests, German officer training emphasized individual apprenticeships, week-long field evaluations, extended discursive written evaluations by senior officers who personally knew the candidates. The surprise is, while German state management was rigid and regulated with its common citizens, it was liberal and adventuresome with its elites. After WWII, and particularly after Vietnam, American elite military practice began to follow this German model. Ironically enough, America’s elite private boarding schools like Groton had followed the Prussian lead from their inception as well as the British models of Eton and Harrow.


German elite war doctrine cut straight to the heart of the difference between the truly educated and the merely schooled. For the German High Command war was seen as an art, a creative activity, grounded in science. War made the highest demands on an officer’s entire personality and the role of the individual in Germany was decisive. American emphasis, on the other hand, was doctrinal, fixated on cookbook rules. The U.S. officer’s manual said: “Doctrines of combat operation are neither numerous nor complex. Knowledge of these doctrines provides a firm basis for action in a particular situation.” This reliance on automatic procedure rather than on creative individual decisions got a lot of Americans killed by the book. The irony, of course, was that American, British, and French officers got the same lockstep conditioning in dependence that German foot soldiers did. There are some obvious lessons here which can be applied directly to public schooling.

Anonymous ID: 61e6de Jan. 2, 2022, 10:07 p.m. No.15300004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0114 >>0247 >>0316 >>0324

Jesus Christ, Phoenician?

And Other Speculations about the World’s First Sea Trading Empire


Chances are, if you have heard about the Phoenicians at all, it was probably in the context of the origin of the alphabet. However, in the last decade or so, a picture has begun to emerge about this mysterious culture that should actually be fascinating to futurists and those interested in the history of science and ideas. This mysterious group of seafarers created the first true naval empire, served to accelerate both the bronze and the iron age, may have have brought red hair to the Irish, and may actually be the real reason that Christianity spread so quickly two millennia ago.


Please note that much of this is speculation. While we are getting a better idea about history through genetic drift in populations, most of this essay takes place at the very rise of civilization, some of it going back 10,000 years or more, and much of it involves a culture that, despite having invented the alphabet, left almost nothing in their wake about what kind of culture and society they had.


Cedar and Bronze

If you look at most ancient settlements, the one defining character of most of them was the use of fired bricks of mud. It would take the combination of bronze nails and access to trees for lumber-based construction to take place, and even there, it was far more likely that the lumber was used not for houses but for boats.


These exact origins of these inhabitants is still unknown, though Qatar or Bahrain, on the Eastern Arabian peninsula, has been proposed. Bahrain in particular is notable for being an island, and as such reachable only by boats. This suggests that it might have been an ideal place for a sea faring culture to originate, one capable of going beyond the immediate visible horizon. Boats are interesting because they require so many skills to make — an understanding of keels and sails, the manufacture of metallic tools capable of chiseling and shaping wood, harnessing the power of fire.


In time, the temperatures began to warm, and as they did so, the benefits of lighter shades began to decline in comparison to the health costs — light hair and skin meant a higher incidence of cancer and higher levels of melanin provided greater levels of protection. In some parts of this population, the gene for expressing red hair itself disappeared, especially towards the east. Small isolated villages learned (or possibly relearned) the art of agriculture, and over time the population increased. The ancient city of Ur (which would eventually become Bagdad, Iraq) sprang up as stone working using ziggurats (an early kind of pyramid) became commonplace, eventually followed by Babylon, Ninevah and others.


The Babylonians the first historical Mesopotamian culture, spoke of the god Ea, the god of the sea, who came ashore in a mail of scales like a fish, bringing with him the gifts of law and writing and fire, in essence the rudiments of civilization. These seem strange gifts for a sea god, especially given that Ur was still several hundred miles from the nearest major body of water beyond the Tigris and the Euphrates. Yet perhaps this strange tale was a mythic retelling of traders coming on shallow water boats from distant Bahrain, bringing with them a technology that was almost alien in nature — early Bronze swords and plowshares, smelting furnaces and an accounting system, and the first codification of sea laws upon cuneiform tablets. Ea would in time become known as Oannes, and later Noah, he who saved the animals from the flood in Biblical legend. In the Phoenician pantheon he was Yum, god of underwaves and wisdom, and even millennia later, Yum had a place apart above the trading ships of the Phoenicians, the Canaanites, the Carthaginians.


It is not hard to imagine colonies springing up in Ur (which was on the Persian Gulf at the time) then up both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, on flat-bottomed boats manned by these proto-Phoenicians. They spread westward with the Babylonians through Sumer and Assyria, part of the migration but distinct from the peoples around them, until they eventually made their way to the Levant, eventually encountering (and influencing) the Hittite cultures in Southern Turkey even as they found one of the most important resources a sea-faring culture could have … wood.