Ya know, I was thinking, most normies, are clueless and probably haven't even considered things like, the two Bidens playing around in Ukraine and China, so, since I consider the rona to mainly be a distraction, the question is, for WHO? Us? I also think the whole rona things cuts both ways to be honest. The good guys have a use for it, as well as the bad guys. In the case of the good guys, it gives plausible deniability, or at least an, "explaination," for why some people disappear, and/or drop dead. For the bad guys, it is merely a distraction in the hope that they can keep as many people as possible in the dark about the games they've been up to, and just how deep their treason actually goes.
I think the larger picture is, since I've often wondered why these corrupt assholes have essentially forgone their loyalty to this country, and seem to be more attached to the EU, why would they kill their golden goose, unless they thought they had a better golden goose. I highly suspect these clowns are tied in with the EU because the EU is eventually gonna turn into the most horrific political system ever foisted upon mankind, it will make what Hitler did look like childsplay. Beware the EU.