Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:39 a.m. No.15301752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1847 >>1920 >>1982

Feds Finally Admit to Running Secretive DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Trump Protests


The Department of Justice admitted this week to running secretive DOJ “commandos” at the January 6 protests in Washington DC.


Four Trump supporters died that day including two women who were killed by Capitol Hill Police.

A third woman was nearly killed but was rescued by Green Beret Jeremy Brown.


The DOJ Commandos were given “shoot to kill” orders.


After nearly a year this information is finally coming out.

And they accused this website and others of being conspiracy nuts for reporting on the feds in the crowd that day.


We will likely never know how many feds were working that day to sabotage the peaceful protests.


Newsweek reported:


On Sunday, January 3, the heads of a half-dozen elite government special operations teams met in Quantico, Virginia, to go over potential threats, contingencies, and plans for the upcoming Joint Session of Congress. The meeting, and the subsequent deployment of these shadowy commandos on January 6, has never before been revealed.


Right after the New Year, Jeffrey A. Rosen, the acting Attorney General on January 6, approved implementation of long-standing contingency plans dealing with the most extreme possibilities: an attack on President Donald Trump or Vice President Mike Pence, a terrorist attack involving a weapon of mass destruction, and a declaration of measures to implement continuity of government, requiring protection and movement of presidential successors.


Rosen made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to deploy Justice Department and so-called “national” forces. There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently, the special operations forces lurking behind the scenes.


“I believe that DOJ [Department of Justice] reasonably prepared for contingencies ahead of January 6, understanding that there was considerable uncertainty as to how many people would arrive, who those people would be, and precisely what purposes they would pursue,” Rosen later told Congress. He stressed that his department “no frontline role with respect to crowd control,” that they were focused on “high-risk” operations.


The contingency units meeting on January 3 included the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, the FBI’s national “Render Safe” team, an FBI SWAT team from the Baltimore Field Office, Special Response Teams from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group…


…FBI tactical teams arrived on Capitol Hill early in the day to assist in the collection of evidence at sites—including the Republican and Democrat party national headquarters—where explosive devices were found. FBI SWAT teams and snipers were deployed to secure nearby congressional office buildings. Other FBI agents provided selective security around the U.S. Capitol and protection to congressional members and staff.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:42 a.m. No.15301772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1785

Zionist Tommy trying to create Albert Pike's third world war


Tommy Robinson’s Car FIREBOMBED After Release of Documentary Trailer on Grooming Gangs

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:44 a.m. No.15301794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1819 >>1835 >>1982

Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64


The death rate for those aged 18-64 has risen an astonishing 40% over pre-pandemic levels, according to the CEO of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica.


"We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica," said Scott Davison, head of the $100 billion insurance company that's been in operation since 1877 and has approximately 2,400 employees.


The increase represents "huge, huge numbers," among "primarily working-age people" who have employer-sponsored group life plans through OneAmerica, according to The Center Square.


"And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic," Davison said during an online news conference last week. "Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic."


"So 40% is just unheard of," he added.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:47 a.m. No.15301805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1813 >>1847 >>1982

FDA Approves Pfizer Booster For 12-15 Year Olds, Dismisses Risk Of "Mild" Heart Inflammation


As expected, the FDA has finally approved Pfizer's COVID booster for children between the ages of 12 and 15, despite the fact that certain dangerous side effects are far more likely to occur in young patients.


These dangerous side effects include myocarditis and pericarditis, two forms of heart inflammation that have been found in thousands of patients and have even contributed to some suspicious vaccine-linked deaths.


But don't worry kids: Dr. Peter Marks, the FDA's vaccines chief, said that in the overwhelming majority, the cases of heart inflammation that have afflicted younger patients have been "mild".


It's worth noting that Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology who was recently banned by Twitter (and is now facing a crackdown by Facebook), has said the exact opposite: that these side effects could present a greater risk to young patients than the virus itself especially for younger patients.


Unfortunately for some, those views are being more or less ignored.


Marks said in his statement that the agency made its decision because a booster "may help provide better protection against both the delta and omicron variants" especially as omicron is "slightly more resistant" to the vaccine-induced antibodies that help fend off infection.


The FDA didn't just approve boosters for younger patients, it also shortened the time in between shots. In a statement released Monday, the FDA said it had amended the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine to shorten the time between the completion of primary vaccination and the first booster dose to five months, instead of six. The FDA will also allow a third dose for immunocompromised children 5 through 11 years of age, officially allowing the first patients as young as 5 to receive their first booster doses.


The agency said the protective health benefits and the "continued protection against COVID and the associated serious consequences that can occur including hospitalization and death, outweigh the potential risks in individuals 12 through 15 years of age" outweighed any risks from side effects.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:48 a.m. No.15301811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Will be Used Whether We Like it or Not’ – Developer of Covid Microchip Says There’s No Stopping Roll-Out


The developer of the scannable Covid microchip that is embedded under the skin hit back at critics and said there is no stopping the roll-out.


Microchips are gaining popularity in Sweden and now Swedes are getting Covid vaccine passports implanted in their hands or elsewhere under their skin.


“Get your Covid certificate in a chip in your hand or elsewhere under the skin. It is increasingly popular to insert a chip into the body with different types of information and now you can also insert your Covid certificate in the chip.” – Aftonbladet, Sweden’s daily newspaper reported last year.


Skeptics and critics slammed the scannable Covid vaccine passport as invasive.


However, the developer says too bad, the technology is here and will be used whether we like it or not. reported:


Created by the tech start-up Dsruptive Subdermals, the controversial invention is made of a pre-programmed scannable implant two millimetres by 16 millimetres in size.


The invention received a lot of attention when first announced with some describing it as “invasive”.


But speaking to, Hannes Sjoblad, managing director of Dsruptive Subdermals, fired back at the critics.


He said: “This technology exists and is used whether we like it or not.


“I am happy that it is brought into the public conversation.


“New technologies must be broadly debated and understood.


“Smart implants are a powerful health technology.


Microchipping is voluntary… for now, but give it some time and the Covid tyrants will make it mandatory in order for people to participate in society.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:52 a.m. No.15301839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1982

N806WA’s Flight Schedule Shows Hundreds of Flights from the Southern Border to US and Foreign Cities – How Many Planes Like N806WA Are There?


On Saturday we first reported on a flight of illegals that landed in Pennsylvania. We now have information on the several trips this same plane has flown and it is frightening.


Here is the post we reported on Saturday about a plane full of illegal immigrants that recently landed in Allentown, PA.


Yesterday we reported how Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf claimed the flights of illegal immigrants into his state only carried children who were transported through the state. We have evidence that this is not true.


On Sunday we reported that the PA Democrat Governor was totally wrong and dishonest. One flight that landed in PA this past month carried an individual who is potentially very dangerous (an individual wanted for murder in Mexico).


Today we can report that N806WA is one of at least seven planes that is part of the World Atlantic fleet. This plane has a name painted on it that differs from that on the plane (Mandy vs Jackie).

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:53 a.m. No.15301846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump & Pompeo must be put on trial – Iran’s president


Top US officials behind the assassination of General Soleimani must face trial, or Muslims will exact revenge on their own, the Iranian leader says


Top US officials behind the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani must be put on trial, the country’s president said on the two-year anniversary of the killing, warning the US will face revenge of Muslims otherwise.


President Ebrahim Raeisi paid tribute to the late commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, during a ceremony at Tehran’s Grand Mussalah mosque on Monday.


Raeisi named former US President Donald Trump and ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as the main culprits behind the assassination, warning that failure to put them on trial for the attack will lead to Muslims’ revenge.


“If Trump and Pompeo are not tried in a fair court for the criminal act of assassinating General Soleimani, Muslims will take our martyr’s revenge,” he said.


The assassination of the general was a crime both against Iran and Iraq, which had its sovereignty violated by the US attack, the president stated.


“You not only violated Iraq’s sovereignty, but you also assassinated a nation, not just an individual,” Raeisi said.


Soleimani was assassinated outside Baghdad airport in a drone strike, ordered by then-US President Donald Trump, back on January 3, 2019. Other officials, including Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, were killed in the strike as well. While Trump claimed the assassination was commissioned to prevent presumably imminent attacks on US personnel across the region, allegedly plotted by Soleimani, no evidence to back up such an assessment has ever emerged.


The assassination prompted an uproar in Iraq, with the country’s parliament adopting a non-binding resolution demanding the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country shortly after the killing. Iran itself responded with a volley of ballistic missiles that hit two US-occupied bases in Iraq. While no US soldiers were reported killed in the strikes, some 110 received traumatic brain injuries from being too close to the blasts.


The killing of Soleimani also triggered a low intensity warfare in Iraq, with US military assets and forces, as well as the heavily fortified embassy in Baghdad, repeatedly coming under attack ever since.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 9:56 a.m. No.15301866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Walls Creaked, Buildings Shook": Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake Hits Off The Coast Of Taiwan


A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit moments ago 64 km east of Hualien City, Taiwan, according to data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program.


The earthquake shook buildings in Taipei and across "much of the northern part of the island", AP reported early on Monday morning.


"Walls creaked as office buildings shook in Taipei, the capital. Lights swayed and mirrors and pictures fell to the floor," the report said.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 10 a.m. No.15301894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1982

Judge signals perjury trial against Ghislaine Maxwell will likely go forward


Ghislaine Maxwell’s legal woes didn’t end with her sex-trafficking conviction last week: The disgraced socialite will also likely face a perjury trial in the coming months.


Manhattan federal Judge Alison Nathan, who presided over Maxwell’s trial, asked in an order Monday for the defense and prosecutors to submit a proposed schedule for a perjury case against the convicted sex predator.


Maxwell faces two counts for allegedly lying under oath in a sworn deposition she gave in 2016 in a defamation case brought against her by Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre in the Southern District of New York.


In the alleged falsehoods, Maxwell claimed that she was not aware of sex toys at Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion and that she was unaware that Epstein was having sex with other people when they were together.


“Do you know whether Mr. Epstein possessed sex toys or devices used in sexual activities?” an attorney asked Maxwell in the deposition.


“No,” she responded.


In another question, an attorney asked: “Other than yourself and the blond and brunette that you have identified as having been involved in three-way sexual activities, with whom did Mr. Epstein have sexual activities?”


Maxwell responded: “I wasn’t aware that he was having sexual activities with anyone when I was with him other than myself.”


Witnesses at Maxwell’s sex-trafficking trial gave testimony that contradicted the madam’s statements under oath.


Epstein’s longtime housekeeper, Juan Alessi, testified that he at times cleaned up sex toys after the financier’s massages and put them in a basket in Maxwell’s closet in the house, where they were always kept.


Maxwell accuser “Jane” testified that she participated in group sex sessions with the disgraced socialite and Epstein at the Palm Beach estate.


A second accuser, “Kate,” testified that Maxwell instructed her to wear a schoolgirl outfit to deliver tea to Epstein at the mansion. The financier then had sex with her, she said.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 10:03 a.m. No.15301917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schools Across the US See Last-Minute Closures Over COVID-19 Staffing Problems


Schools across the United States over the weekend announced last-minute closures due to the spread of COVID-19.


Students in a number of districts are slated to return to class on Monday morning from the winter break. Some districts blamed the closures on staffing issues or the rise in cases driven by the Omicron variant.


In Massachusetts, more than a dozen separate school districts were closed or delayed opening on Monday, Jan. 3, with officials citing the spread of COVID-19 and some snowfall.


Also on Monday, in another example, the Pittsburgh Public Schools announced it is shuttering 12 schools due to staffing shortages caused by COVID-19, WXPI reported.


A local infectious disease expert who was interviewed by the local station said that it’s “inevitable that we’re going to see cases in the school” but stipulated closures “can’t be tolerated.”


“We have rapid tests, we’ve got antivirals, we have vaccines, we have monoclonal antibodies, and we have best practices that occurred in the pre-pandemic era, so there really is no excuse for schools to be going virtual at this point, in 2022, in the pandemic,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja in response to the closures Monday.


Several Connecticut school districts are also closing due to COVID-19 cases and staffing shortages, local media reported. Transportation problems due to staffing shortfalls was also cited by officials as a reason for the closures.


Districts including Region 14, Enfield, Stratford, and Stonington public schools were shuttered Monday after the holiday break, reports said.


Milwaukee Public Schools in Wisconsin will launch a virtual learning program on Tuesday amid school closures. However, the system is aiming to restart normal classes on Jan. 10.


“MPS was scheduled to resume in-person learning on January 4, 2022, but due to an influx of reported positive COVID-19 cases among district staff, this emergency safety measure is being implemented,” said an announcement from the Milwaukee Public Schools.


And the School District of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, shut down classes for students Monday due to COVID-19-related issues. But teachers and other staff members have to return back to work, WGAL-TV reported.


The district said it expects to bring students back to class starting Tuesday.


In New Jersey, some Jersey Shore schools cited surging COVID-19 cases in combination with a snowstorm that is expected to dump several inches of snow across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast for closing down on Monday.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 10:04 a.m. No.15301922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazilian President Bolsonaro Hospitalized in Sao Paulo


SAO PAULO, Brazil—Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was taken to a Sao Paulo hospital for tests early Monday after experiencing abdominal discomfort, the government said.


Bolsonaro is “doing well” and further information will be provided later in a medical bulletin, a government statement published by the Globo media outlet said.


Bolsonaro returned to the financial capital during the night from a New Year break on the coast and was immediately taken to Hospital Vila Nova Star, according to Globo.


Globo quoted Bolsonaro’s doctor, Antônio Luiz Macedo, as saying Bolsonaro had stomach pains.


Macedo operated on Bolsonaro after he was stabbed at a political rally in 2018.


Globo said that Macedo was on holiday in the Bahamas and was waiting for a flight back to Brazil to see Bolsonaro, who reportedly had no public appearances scheduled on Monday.


Since his stabbing during the 2018 presidential election, Bolsonaro has undergone stomach surgery several times.


Last July, he was hospitalized due to a severe case of hiccups.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 10:06 a.m. No.15301935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1940

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Plan Capitol Hill Speeches to Mark January 6th Anniversary


President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris plan to travel to Capitol Hill on Thursday to mark the one-year anniversary of the January 6th protests of the 2020 election outcome.


The two are planning speeches at the Capitol, capping a week of Democrat efforts to use the anniversary of the protests to sell the “insurrection” narrative, warning that former President Donald Trump and his supporters tried to topple American democracy on that day.


Biden has repeatedly referred to the rioting and protests that day as “one of the darkest days of our democracy.”


“This was not dissent. It was disorder. It posed an existential crisis and a test of whether our democracy could survive — a sad reminder that there is nothing guaranteed about our democracy,” he wrote in July, commemorating the six-month anniversary of the riots.


Biden also claimed the protesters who stormed Capitol Hill were worse than the Confederates who fought in the Civil War.


“We’re facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. It’s not hyperbole — since the Civil War,” Biden said in a speech in July of last year. “Confederates, back then, never breached the Capitol as insurrectionists did on January 6.”


Trump has also announced a press conference to mark the one-year anniversary of the protests at his club at Mar-a-Lago.


Trump plans to focus on the “rigged” 2020 presidential election and to make the case that the real “insurrection” was on Election Day.


“[R]emember, the insurrection took place on November 3rd, it was the completely unarmed protest of the rigged election that took place on January 6th,” Trump wrote in a statement, claiming evidence of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Anonymous ID: 9a3fb0 Jan. 3, 2022, 10:08 a.m. No.15301941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Migrants Make Up Almost One-Third of Prisoners in Italy


Nearly one-third of occupants in Italian prisons are migrants, with the latest official data showing over 17,000 prisoners came from abroad.


Around 32 per cent of prisoners in Italy are from a foreign country, amounting to just under 1 in 3 incarcerated in the country being from abroad.


Of this number, a significant proportion entered Italy illegally, with the country having received over 67,000 migrants as a whole last year.


According to a report by Il Giornale, the proportion of foreign-born prisoners varies greatly by region, with migrants sometimes constituting up to 78 per cent of inmates in some jails.


Italian Undersecretary of the Interior, Nicola Molteni, also told the publication that a large proportion of crimes are committed by illegal migrants.


“The data linked to arrivals is alarming,” Molteni said. “Of these 67,000, over 40,000 arrive with small boats, rafts or sailing ships and about 10,000 through those NGOs that return to command in the Mediterranean, violating international conventions, laws and regulatory provisions.”


“…irregular and out of control immigration increases, obviously alongside an indigenous national crime that unfortunately exists and with respect to which the police forces are at the forefront to fight,” Molteni continued.


According to the publication, some of the most common crimes committed by foreigners in Italy concern drug dealing and child prostitution, with crimes such as homicides and falsification of documents also reported as prominent.


Italian prisons are not the only locations seeing large proportions of foreign migrants.


Italy has seen over 67,000 migrants land on its shore in 2021, with at least 35,000 of those making landfall on the Sicilian island of Lampedusa.


The massive influx represents more than five times the number of the island’s population of 6,500, with the island’s reception centre — which has enough capacity for 250 people — sometimes being overloaded by arrivals.


Migrants frequently make the journey to the country in un-seaworthy vessels, paying as much as €8,000 for a place on boats that are sometimes abandoned by the smugglers sailing them.


Speaking on the massive influx, Italian Prime Minister and former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi emphasised Italy’s desire for a collective European response to the crisis.


“Italy cannot do everything alone,” Draghi said. “Italy continues to promote a European advance towards collective management, in a balance between responsibility and solidarity.”