>Anon often wondered to himself whether his life would culminate into something large and meaningful.
Most likely, No.
Chances are it will be a mundane existence.
You probably won't discover anti gravity
You most likely won't cure cancer.
There is little chance of you being 'The thing that changed The World'
But, that's perfectly fine.
Only through movies, music, books etc., are we conditioned to think we have to be something special, or it means nothing.
Be generous with your time.
Help people you can, without conditions.
Strive to live a life where you have what you need.
You don't really need the things you 'want'
Love, above all else.
Then take a look at nature, in all it's wonder.
Breathe the air, feel the rain on your face, touch the magical, all around you.
You are enough.
Just Be.