Anonymous ID: 98e50a May 24, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.1530452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0457 >>0646 >>0668

The Ugly History of the Christian Zionist Movement, Starting in 1909


It seems highly likely that the founder of the movement was backed by wealthy Jewish interests intent on building popular support for Zionism.


"The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times take great delight in bitch-slapping libtards and pointy-headed intellectuals, it is important to emphasize that not all of America's insane people are found on the political "Left."


Though "Christian Zionists" are much closer to our views on social, political and economic matters, their dangerous lunacy when it comes to blindly supporting "the chosen people" and Greater Israel as "end times" requirements calls for an equal-opportunity beat down of these irrational maniacs.


The size and power of the Christian Zionist hordes (aka Evangelicals and Baptists) are no secret to anyone who understands anything about American politics. What is not commonly understood, even among these crazies, is how exactly they got to be so ziotarded in the first place.


Sugar, fire up the Time Machine and set the dial to 1909, please.

Anonymous ID: 98e50a May 24, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.1530558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0593 >>0598 >>0837

Today, April 20th, 2018 marks the 8th anniversary of the greatest environmental disaster in North American history.


The BP Gulf oil spill (BPGOS) will be remembered for many things; however, there is one unknown aspect that was never exposed during that fateful spring of 2010.



What very few investigative journalists ever even touched upon is that the BP Gulf oil spill was a MIHOP. It was an environmental catastrophe of truly epic proportions that was Made To Happen On Purpose (also known as a MIHOP).


A few researchers arrived at the incorrect conclusion that the BPGOS was a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose). This view is partially based on the historical fact that companies such as BP (formerly British Petroleum) have allowed their equipment to “operate to failure” causing major spills.


LIHOPs also occur when the same companies take extreme risks and recklessly drill too deeply into petroleum deposits with inadequate oil platforms and/or other essential equipment. Major drillers like BP are secretly given the green light by regulatory agencies to drill into oil fields containing motherlodes irrespective of the likelihood of blowouts. Deepwater drilling inevitably causes oil spills and gas leaks that are simply out of sight, out of mind as far as the public is concerned.


Still other investigators have attempted to prove that the BPGOS was a “modified” MIHOP but then failed reveal the most essential elements of the greatest environmental crime in U.S. history.


The thesis presented in this article goes way beyond any theory ever presented about the BPGOS. As follows:

Just like the false flag terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001,

the Gulf oil spill of 2010 was a false flag operation conducted by

the U.S. Federal Government in close collaboration with the U.K. government. Corporate co-conspirators included the British

multinational BP, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Transocean

Ltd. and Halliburton among others.


Our purpose in this exposé is not to flesh out the skeleton of this extraordinary conspiratorial plot. A high-integrity criminal indictment would likely fill volumes, the BPGOS reality is so incredibly complex and convoluted.



Just like 9/11, one of the central characters in the incomparable BPGOS false flag operation was the sitting POTUS. Barack Obama was a key cog in this treasonous conspiracy to wreak havoc in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Yes, it was a deliberate plot to devastate the GOM coastline. And to perpetrate environmental terrorism against the oil-drilling RED states of the Deep South.


Just like every other apocalyptic environmental disaster that is manmade, the BPGOS was extremely organized around the highest executive office in the land—the POTUS. Only in this way could the true perpetrators execute the calamitous crime without detection. Only in this way could the same perps cover up the crime scene and shut down any meaningful investigation, which they did.


In order to control the criminal act itself, the crime scene and the cover up, President Obama completely ceded U.S. governmental authority to BP. In other words, a recidivist corporate criminal was given total control over its own crime scene, before and after. As for the true depth and breadth of this joint corporate-government criminal conspiracy, the following reality check disclosed details about blown oil wells rarely if ever seen in the public domain.



Anonymous ID: 98e50a May 24, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.1530587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0673

US Takes Down 83 Mexican Mafiosos


The U.S. attorney’s office charged leaders of the infamous Mexican Mafia on Wednesday with running a conspiracy to control drug trafficking and carry out violence from inside Los Angeles County jails.


83 people linked to racketeering conspiracies, drug-running, violent attacks, and murder were charged.


Authorities shared that 32 people were arrested in the operation, 35 were already in custody while another 16 remain at large as fugitives. The charges were neatly outlined in two recently unsealed indictments.


The U.S. attorney’s office considered the outcome of such operation as a success and a huge step forward in the fight against the notorious group. U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna said: “By taking out the gang members who control the jails, and by disrupting their communications network, we undermined the Mexican Mafia’s ability to coordinate street gang activity.”


Nearly 500 members of law enforcement joined forces in the impressive sweep. The task force included the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the Pomona Police Department.


The freshly unsealed indictments reveal that Mexican Mafia leaders called shots from behind bars that controlled drug dealing and violence both in jail and on the streets. The indictments also gave a detailed narration on how the Mexican Mafia, known as the “gang of gangs,” put in place a methodical system to communicate from inside prison, manage gang territory and collect “taxes” for drug sales through extortion.


The proceeds from the drugs smuggled inside the prison by facilitators of the Mexican Mafia and sold goods to the gang’s leader. Other groups that managed to bring in drugs were required to give a third of their contraband to the Mexican Mafia leadership. The fee named as a “thirds” tax, shared the name “Operations Dirty Thirds” to the police probe.


The gang’s leadership was able to exert control by threatening to carry out violence if people didn’t pay up or “follow the rules- their rules.”


Named as leaders of the operations are Jose Landa-Rodriguez and two gang members who have both since died behind bars between 2012 and 2016.


55-year-old Landa-Rodriguez is accused of sanctioning murders, assaults and the kidnapping and killing of a relative of a gang member who disobeyed him.


A second higher-up in the gang, 33-year-old Luis Vega also ordered a murder and directed assaults against those who defied them and their rules.


A lawyer and several women referred to as “secretaries” assisted in “facilitating activities and communication outside of jails.”


Authorities revealed that the tactics of the gang would be that drugs were often smuggled into jail by people who would deliberately have themselves arrested on minor offenses so they could be sent to jail. They would then hide drugs in body cavities.

Anonymous ID: 98e50a May 24, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.1530629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0672 >>0710 >>0865 >>1048

The FBI tweeted out a link to its files on Jeffrey Epstein on Thursday.


Twitter sleuth @Techno_Fog mined an interesting gem from the files, showing that Epstein likely served as an informant to the FBI. Robert Mueller’s FBI in 2008.



Epstein is a controversial figure and friend of the Clinton family, alleged to run the sexual “Lolita Express” to his private island.


The FBI’s release includes heavily redacted pages and also a large number of deleted pages, among other unredacted documents.


The Doc links are below:


File Jeffrey Epstein Part 01 of 08

File Jeffrey Epstein Part 02 of 08

File Jeffrey Epstein Part 03 of 08

File Jeffrey Epstein Part 04 of 08

File Jeffrey Epstein Part 05 of 08

File Jeffrey Epstein Part 06 of 08

File Jeffrey Epstein Part 07 of 08

File Jeffrey Epstein Part 08 of 08

Anonymous ID: 98e50a May 24, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.1530785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0958

Britain might have to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS on enemies unless more is invested in the conventional armed forces, Defence Secretary warns


Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has raised the spectre of nuclear conflict

Said UK more likely to turn to Trident without investment in conventional forces

Mr Williamson has been demanding more funding for MOD from the Chancellor


Britain might have to use Trident on its enemies unless more is spent on conventional forces, Gavin Williamson warned today.


The Defence Secretary raised the spectre of nuclear war as he demanded more investment in the military.


In chilling comments aimed at Chancellor Philip Hammond, Mr Williamson said funding for defence was about 'making sure things do not happen'.


He said if the UK did not have an effective army, air force and navy the country might have to 'turn to the greatest deterrence of them all'.


The Royal United Services Institute Sea Power Conference in London, Mr Williamson said: 'You do not want to be in a position where your only deterrence against threat and against aggressors is a nuclear deterrence.


'We have got to talk about deterrence being full-spectrum, right across the board.


'It is sometimes difficult to explain to people that actually investing in our armed forces is all about making sure that things do not happen.

'It is about aircraft carriers, it is about a presence in the Pacific, it is a presence in the North Atlantic, it is a presence in the Mediterranean and in the Gulf with conventional frigates and destroyers that are able to say that Britain is interested, Britain cares, Britain will protect our interests and our values.


'If we do not have that conventional deterrence and the ability to deter through conventional forces, then what we will find ourselves in is a place that none of us wish to be in and having to turn to the greatest deterrence of them all.'


Mr Williamson said last year the Royal Navy had to respond on 33 occasions to Russian vessels approaching UK waters as an example of the continuing threat.

'It goes to show the increasing aggression, the increasing assertiveness of Russia and how we have to give the right support to our Royal Navy in order to give them the tools to do the job and keep Britain safe,' he said.


The Defence Secretary said that at a time of rapid technological change, the Government needed to work with industry to ensure the forces had access to the latest developments far more quickly than at present.


'It takes 15 to 20 years-plus to procure an aircraft carrier. How many models of iPhone will have been procured and developed in that time?' he said.


'If we do not have technology and be able to use technology and bring technology into our ships, into our submarines at a much faster pace, then we will always be behind our enemies.'


Read more:

Anonymous ID: 98e50a May 24, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.1530959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump signs the biggest rollback of bank rules since the financial crisis


President Donald Trump signs a bill rolling back certain bank regulations into law.

The law, which Congress passed with bipartisan support, eases rules on all but the largest institutions.

Proponents argue the measures will help community lenders, while opponents contend it went too far to help mid-sized and regional firms.



President Donald Trump signed the biggest rollback of bank regulations since the global financial crisis into law Thursday.


The measure designed to ease rules on all but the largest banks passed both chambers of Congress with bipartisan support. Backers say the legislation will lift burdens unnecessarily put on small and medium-sized lenders by the Dodd-Frank financial reform act and boost economic growth.


Opponents, however, have argued the changes could open taxpayers to more liability if the financial system collapses or increase the chances of discrimination in mortgage lending.


"Dodd-Frank was something they said could not be touched. And honestly, a lot of great Democrats knew that it had to be done and they joined us in the effort," Trump said before he signed the bill, surrounded by lawmakers from both major parties. "And there is something so nice about bipartisan, and we're going to have to try more of it. Let's do more of it."


The measure eases restrictions on all but the largest banks. It raises the threshold to $250 billion from $50 billion under which banks are deemed too important to the financial system to fail. Those institutions also would not have to undergo stress tests or submit so-called living wills, both safety valves designed to plan for financial disaster.



Anonymous ID: 98e50a May 24, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.1531109   🗄️.is 🔗kun