how do people think it works when someone intentionally kills the elderly?
do they think that just because the 'courts' are as jewed as the rest of the government, that people will be neat and greet each other when in the streets?
how do people think it works when someone intentionally kills the elderly?
do they think that just because the 'courts' are as jewed as the rest of the government, that people will be neat and greet each other when in the streets?
never seen a bird drawn like that before
[they] just move more people to the jewtube alternatives
is RRN what would be expected if the 'legal system' actually worked from year 2020 and onwards?
the UN and the (((msm))) operate in the same way as if you look at twitter.
it is just a bunch of 'verified' jews who tell you to follow their commands because otherwise you are racist.
that is what is controlling most governments in the world right now
>'blue helmets'
humans might have no natural way of dealing with jews other than by using time to think to find the most thought-out way to battle [their] degenerate machinations
'just cohencidences'
why are they in need of 'big earnings'?
some 'anon' was dismayed over Trump (as he didn't manage to out-maneuver the (((cabal))) in 2020)
if people remember the rallies Trump was able to amass, the tens of thousands of people who attended
if people see the msm as lying ('adjusting the narrative') basically 100% in case of what people feel they should 'vote for', then people see how low level the msm mode of operation actually is, but the jews have through aggressive corporate takeovers and corrupt laws and policies bought up or bankrupted (or killed) their competition, so people haven't seen that the alternatives such as rumble and gab are becoming the obvious platform if you aren't interested in listening to hwo to confirm to the latest lgbtq+ offensive thought.crime
'you know who tries to rule over you, and so do I (the jews)'
when fauci was talking about cooperating with 'Chinese commuโฆ Chinese scientists', if I wanted to listen to this in the worst way imaginable, then he was smiling because he said that he was glad to meet and work with 'Chinese communists' i.e. 'Chinese satanists'.
why was he so happy that they were part of the death cult of (((marxism)))?
JFK Jr made an interview where he said that fauci killed 85 orphan/fosterhome kids and buried them in small caskets in a pit at a cemetery and covered it with astroturf