The Illuminati exposed - Myron C Fagan - 1967
👉It started in earnest in the U.S. with the theft of the people’s money with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, unconstitutional, where the making of money was given to private entities. Then the Sixteenth Amendment which declared an illegal income tax, legal.
In Canada, this happened in 1974 when Pierre Trudeau signed away their Nat'l Bank of Canada to private banksters. Until that time, Canada borrowed from itself at little to no interest. Imagine what could have been done in Canada with trillions of dollars instead of paying unnecessary interest on money we were supposed to be printing ourselves!
Mr. Fagan goes deep, back to the beginning so to speak, and exposes all the tricks and deceptions used to enslave the people, not just of America, but the entire world. What’s revealed is truly sickening and heart-wrenching, so be warned.
The creation of the United Nations, unconstituional, was a most dangerous step in achieving a one-world power. Whole armies are at the disposal of the UN. Whole armies! Now nations are no longer sovereign but slaves to the godless UN and subject to any rulings or commands. The UN was created by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and it’s goals are communistic in nature, though today the Communists are called Zionists and Nazis and Jesuits and Freemasons but they’re all the same thing! They don’t want us to figure that out. They’re all the same guys at the top, just like in politics.
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The Illuminati exposed - Myron C Fagan - 1967
Recorded in 1967 by Myron Fagan (1887-1972) Jewish American who became a famous Broadway Play-write.
The late Myron C. Fagan was the man who was most responsible for identifying and exposing, (What he called) The Jewish Illuminati to the American public.
Fagan said, the super rich Jewish men who run it have little in common with their lesser brethren, who they will gladly sacrifice for their cause, if need be.
No one can say he was anti-semitic because he himself was also a Jew.