Anonymous ID: ee0c30 Jan. 3, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.15303725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3739 >>3752 >>3786 >>3833 >>3855

Channeled September 29, 2021


My Beloved Children,


I am Prime Creator, and it’s my turn today to speak to My Dear Children. My time acceleration continues, as all of you have noticed by now on how fast months and days are passing. The Divine Plan is working, more and more people around the world are getting awake.


Look at the events that are happening globally, everywhere humanity is demanding their liberation. The Dark Entities are beyond themselves, they didn’t expect the resistance. This is your moment, My Children, to win and move above these corrupted souls. Their destiny has been decided, most of them are going to lose their souls.


The justice needs to be served, and the humankind are the ones, who are going to create a New World. I have been waiting for a long time for this planet to raise and fight against the Darkness.


You can learn to live in peace by letting go of fear, distrust and etc. Harmony allows for everyone to become in synergy with the Animal Kingdom, Mother Nature and everything else what vibrates on Mother Earth. Everything releases energy on your planet, if you are in a peaceful atmosphere, the positive polarity is going to attract and bring many miracles to your life.


Please, stop over analyzing and checking about the truthfulness of this channel or if I am real. I am the successor of the Supreme Father, and I am, the Father God, creator of worlds, representing Divine Love, Truth, Consciousness and etc. It makes me very sad that some Light Workers and Warriors are still confused and fearful, so they follow unreliable sources of information.


The souls, who were not able to escape from the reincarnation machine, are getting reborn to new bodies here, but no new souls are coming from other planets to Gaia. It is your responsibilities to stop the destruction of your Mother Earth, and you can do it. This why, it’s important to be in harmony with yourself and others.


Your assignment is to spread Love and forgot about all of the disagreements you have with the people around you. Love’s power is going to transform your world into a Paradise. When you were a kid, you loved to read fairytales with heroes, who always set things straight and won the battle with the negative ones. Today you can write your own story with a beautiful ending, and you can be the heroes you read about as a child in this story. You have the power as you carry God’s essence within you.


Please never forget that one person can save millions or more lives. We Are All One. Thank you Universal Channel. My Dear Children, I am sending to you my Blessings and Love.


The Truth Is Going To Set You Free

Prime Creator

Anonymous ID: ee0c30 Jan. 3, 2022, 4:13 p.m. No.15303752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3755 >>3765 >>3932


Channeled November 19, 2021


My Beloved Children,


I am your Father, Prime Creator, speaking today about the transformation everyone is waiting for. The Earth Ascension has been under my supervision for many years. It’s my project, and everyone, who tries to mess it up or slow it down, will lose their soul for it.


The humanity is right now on the cross lines on what to follow Darkness or be the Light, Your task is to help others to see the Light and lead the way to freedom and happiness. Now, you are going to make your decision to Ascend or not. Many are still asleep, and it’s okay as they didn’t reach their spiritual potential.


The Awaken ones need to focus on their continuation of spiritual growth. Please, be ready to move to 5D. I mentioned awhile ago about the 5 stages of Ascension in one of my messages, and I recommend to revisit it. Each of you is on different level of development that means all of you can’t Ascend at the same time. The first wave are going to move to New Earth, and then help others to follow them.


The ones who are attached to this 3D false reality now it’s the perfect moment to let go of all old beliefs and attachments. Open your heart to the nature and your surroundings. Ask forgiveness from the Animal Kingdom and Nature for the bad deeds you have done during your many human lifetimes. Greet everyone with Love and Light. Judgment, anger, ego and etc. are emotions of 3D World. Say good bye to the negativity and welcome laughter into your life.


This planet saw variety of different civilizations come and go, the rise and fall of Atlantis, the decline of Lemuria, glory of Egypt and thousands of other events. Humanity has been suppressed and mistreated for a very long time. Now, My Children, all of you need to raise up to your true potential. The Activation of 12 strings of DNA has been supervised by me step by step leading to in the future to a full activation.


Please, become vegetarians and spend most of your free time meditating. Everything what is alive it’s energy. Learn to express love to everyone. Entertain continuously positive and peaceful thoughts. Your governments can’t hide anymore their lies and corruption. Humankind finally started to see their real faces. The transformation of this planet is happening and the old foundation is falling down each day more and more. The unexpected events are going to happen and shock millions of people.


Nothing can’t stay the same like the Cosmos continuously expanding and changing. New Planets, Universes, Star Systems are born each nano second. Follow the Divine Flow, and you are going to experience a lot of miracles. I am your Father, and I always give to you what you need, sometimes you don’t notice. We are all One Universal Consciousness. Amazing Times are coming to Mother Earth. Thank you Universal Channel.


I am sending My Love to My Beloved Children.

Never Forget That We Are All One

Prime Creator

Anonymous ID: ee0c30 Jan. 3, 2022, 4:18 p.m. No.15303786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3798


Channeled July 1, 2021


Greetings My Children,


I am Father, Prime Creator coming today through this Universal Channel to disclose some information about myself.


First of all, I want to explain to you who I am and what role I am playing. My direct task is to create new souls to the world. I, also take to justice the ones that killed and harmed others by disposing or repurposing their souls, and sending them to low dimension planets or to places, where they serve others and can redeem themselves.


Life has the highest value in the Cosmos, so I try to preserve it anywhere I can, if it’s possible. Some souls have a very long dark history, and they are not capable to turn themselves to the Light. Please, remember we need to be forgiving and compassionate despite, how we feel about negative actions by others as our reactions can effect us negatively, and our energies can fall low.


I am responsible for bringing the corrupted dark souls to pay the consequences for their harmful actions. I need to maintain the balance in the Universes, Galaxies and Star Systems. When I conduct briefings on one of the planets, billions of beings come to participate, the negative ones are not invited, and they can’t brake the protection codes of the briefing location.


Right now, I am God, Father, Prime Creator who constructs Divine Laws, foresees the future and prevents many catastrophic events that could destroy billions or more lives. I don’t look like the God portrayed in many religions, I look youthful, well built and very tall, and I even have my own fleet about which I mentioned in one of my previous messages.


Somedays, I use assistants, and they help me in the process of making new beings and new worlds. I trained them myself, so they can assist me in my demanding responsibilities. One more important fact, I want to specify to everyone that I only come through this channel.


All of you have a God in you, the memories about your roots and where you came from were erased by the Dark Entities. Most of you lost your identities, got brainwashed and allowed your ego to be in control instead of your heart and soul.


Now is the time to open your heart to everyone and get united in this fight for freedom. You are Light and Love. The power is within you, and you can prevent negative events by using your powers, which are hidden within your soul.


You have responsibilities to help move this 3D world to a higher dimension. The time is flying fast now since I accelerated it, and you need to move quicker to catch up, as the planet is moving faster and faster each day. She already ascended last year to 5D taking with her the tree souls and the endangered animals.


What you need to do is raise your vibrations through your daily meditations. This is very important to continue to uplift the energies to speed up the Ascension Process and to catch up with Mother Earth. Please, My Dear Children take the next step of development in becoming a Galactic Human. Thank you.


We are all in this together as One.



Prime Creator

Anonymous ID: ee0c30 Jan. 3, 2022, 4:55 p.m. No.15304047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4068 >>4073 >>4093

Channeled May 27, 2021


Greetings My Beloved Children,


I am Father, Prime Creator and I am here today to make some clarifications about the upcoming events in the near future.


A lot of different information is floating around from different sources. It can become very confusing, the Negative entities are trying to stop the truth from reaching most the human population. They are doing this from their bases outside Earth, and also here directly on the planet.


The Dark Ones don’t want for Disclosure to happen about the existence of Space Program run by the government and their interactions with intergalactic civilizations, and the existence of millions of civilizations. For the Awaken Ones, this is old news now, and for the rest of the humanity is still not unveiled yet.


The Darkness is trying to stop the process of letting the truth come out to the surface. Their latest thing in the plans is to send robotic crafts with AI to control humans who have implanted chips in them. I want to reinforce that nothing can stop my Divine Plan, which was created a long time ago.


The Anunaki, Orions, Greys and other Negative nations have been creating intergalactic obstructions for eons. The low vibrations can’t win against the Light. These entities come to conquer and enslave civilizations, anywhere they can’t get away with it.


I am Father, Prime Creator giving my last warning to these entities to step away peacefully from Earth. They can’t win and their control of this planet is coming to the end. As humankind like to use this phrase justice is being served. Yes, their dominance on Gaia is coming to the final end, and they can’t stop this inevitable reality from coming true.


Regarding the upgrades or downloads, you are constantly receiving them non stop as they are necessary for the Ascension Process. All of you belong to the Light Family, and many Galactic beings are working closely with me on this very important process, which this planet is undergoing. I am not going to allow for anyone to stop the Final Phase of Ascension.


Humanity has been bombarded by different types of Artificial Intelligence technologies like implants, chips and etc., the Dark Side is trying to mind control everyone. They are implanted everywhere in TV advertising, shows and etc., please be aware of it.


In the past, the Greys were abducting humans and experimenting on them, who are now forbidden and not allowed to come to Earth anymore. The Light teams are continuing their tasks on helping and protecting Mother Gaia from destruction and constant attacks that are coming from space by the Corrupted Souls.


The upcoming upgrades are going to delivery to you new information and knowledge for the ones, who are open to receive it. Please, understand and don’t be offended that not all of you are going to move to 5D at the same time. I explained about the Phases of the Ascension in one of my messages.


The whole process Mother Earth is undergoing right now, it’s a learning process for many of you, who volunteered to come here to help free this world from enslavement. Everything is progressing as it was preplanned by me a very long time ago. Please, Trust and have Faith that the Light is going to win this battle.


I am Father, Prime Creator, and I am sending my Love and Support to My Beloved Children. Thank you


Be Love and Light

We Are All One

Prime Creator

Anonymous ID: ee0c30 Jan. 3, 2022, 5:11 p.m. No.15304163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4192

Channeled April 28, 2021


Greetings My Beloved Children,


I am Father, Prime Creator and I am pleased to be here. I would like to speak to you today about the transformations that Mother Earth is undergoing now. Your world keeps changing and evolving with every nanosecond. I deliberately changed the time flow more than once to expedite your Ascension Process. The Divine Plan is coming to fruition to bring peace and happiness to humankind.


You are experiencing daily many hardships such as financial struggles, health issues, relationships problems and etc. All of these imbalances and obstacles in humanities existence have been brought by the Darkness, which has been dominating your planet for a long time. The Negative Ones kept orchestrating their ‘’perfect’’ scenario of constantly putting barriers in the way for every human being in their every day lives.


They created a cycle of misfortunes for everyone on Earth. These souls crossed the line too many times, and they forgot one big detail that Universal energies always naturally rebalance themselves by bringing back the balance between the Darkness and Light.


Also, I have been reminding and warning these corrupted souls that their negative behavior is going to be dealt with or punished. Their arrogance of being invincible blinded them completely, they think about themselves as Gods. They are going to have a rude awaking, their time of being Queens and Kings are coming to the end with no return.


The tortures and miseries they put mankind through are all recorded, their souls are going to be repurposed or vanished completely depending on their remorse and willingness to change. Most of them are not showing any remorse and continuing to harm all life on Mother Gaia. My patience with them is on thin ice, I gave full authority to Ashtar and Galactic Federation to use full force of eliminating the Darkness from this part of the Galaxy.


Some of you have been questioning, why is it taking so long to get rid off all of these negative entities. The main reason is we need to be careful by not destroying the planet when we are going after and chasing the Dark Ones around. They have been attacking and occupying other worlds in different parts of the Universes, Galaxies and Planets for a long time.


I am tired of their behavior, and I am using my authority as Prime Creator by warning them for the last time, if they are not going to willingly leave this planet, they are going to face heavy consequences.


I would like to also to talk about that some of you are loosing hope and desire to be here. Please, remember you can’t give up, no matter what is going on around you. This is not your first life, most of you had thousands or more reincarnations. Low energies always get replaced by higher ones.


You can’t give up now as better times are coming, and prosperity is going to be given to everyone. This 3D Matrix is cracking everywhere and nothing can sustain it anymore. Stay in Divine Flow and do daily meditations to raise yourself to high vibrations, which is essential right now during these times.


The old system is falling apart left and right, so you need to stay balanced and not give up on yourself and others. All of you have a lot strength and courage within you, please never forgot that. Open wide your heart and see through all of the chaos around, and you are going be surprised by what you are going to see.


My Dear Children, I am always around and watching over you, please remember WE ARE ONE nothing can ever separate you from me.




Prime Creator