Putting the PRAY in Dig, Meme, Pray.
The origin of our consciousness created us, loves us, and hears us.
I trust in this.
I know this.
If repent means to "turn around" then we have a LOT we want to ask God to help us "turn around".
Interdasting story:
One thing we learned from the group phone prayer early in the Trump Administration: "Repentance", or, "the daily quest to make something better that one is messing up, or has messed up", - - something like a New Years resolution?
The fireman prophet came to join the prayer call with a message. He said God said to load a bullet into the prayer instead of a shotgun shell.
We said Whaaa???
He said: Be specific about the repentance, so the prayer can take sharp aim at the request rather than just granting a general blessing.
So, on this day we got extremely particular about our repentance, then, we asked God to tear down the strongholds of the evil forces arrayed against us as a request.
20 minutes later, Hillary was chucked into a van like a side of beef.
We were seriously stunned.
Apparently, if we include this type of particular repentance in our prayers then prayer requests have a less general effect and are more targeted.
Said another way, if repentance is specific, general blessing shotguns shells become task targeting bullets.
This being said….. Lets go for another side of beef….