I'm not waiting for Trump to use time to think.
if you could skip the 'rep0bs' and the 'dem0s' and vote Christian, then it would make sense if the platform was to never promote bad behaviour, because you only need time to think, and to ban genital mutilation of infants!
you can 'fear God' because you see what happens to those of the synagogue of satan
you were not asked to 'check' the water, anon
'5G', like this but translucent
omnicron is the disease
'dirty vaccination' - never heard that before
can you listen to this in German?
((('planning to fail')))
some see them all the time (not me because i don't promote bad behaviour)
'I've probably seen you before bald looking no face USSS personnel, but I will pretend that we are good old friends for the cameras'
all those 'black masks'
merkel makes her 'timely departure' as there are talks about 'dirty vaccines' by the 'distressed' health minister
all these '(((msm))-statistics' to adjust to instead of just saying that it's all spread via burdening the immune system from the day that the satanists can, the same (((satanists))) that 'wait' 8 days before mutilating the genitals of infants
people might not be able to process what is happening outside of the 'msm' and their own sphere of 'influence'
ยดthe face when RRN'
what do you think the purpose of those remaining human are?