Hackers Autists White Hats:
Comms btwn NP, Pentagon, NG and CP needed.
This gets POTUS re-elected.
Hackers Autists White Hats:
Comms btwn NP, Pentagon, NG and CP needed.
This gets POTUS re-elected.
46 is fraudulent ergo 45 is legit re-elect or just 'elected again' if that phrase sits better.
Now the Jews own a lot more than 2% of us.
N Pelosi and Capitol Police
Nice digits Anon 6 1's.
The exposure of their role in facilitating and exploiting this would be vry helpful indeed.
She blocks protection (placing capitol in danger)
J6 Cmtte Witchhunt exposed.
Why couldn't this help POTUS in 2024?
>>15307793 PB
CDC Admits 61% Of Teens Hospitalized For COVID-19 Had Severe Obesity
South is most obese. Need to look at race too.
See crystalline structures
Needs to be made personal for them. The over-reach is being noticed. have to lose a loved one, a job, a kid seriously impacted, inflation, food scarcity etc.
As with actual 2020 election fraud intel from the inside, inside info on Uniparty actions re: J6 would be most helpful for awakening and action.
Eyes on these POS is one thing - talkig about their communications
Didn't mention Q
Cover up Team launched