what happens when you combine the non living nano particles in a living human body and then activate it through sound or electro magnetic waves
nano particulate iron maiden
imagine dropping ded at a concert
The engineering of materials with controlled magnetic properties by means other than a magnetic field is of great interest in nanotechnology. In this study, we report engineered magnetic graphene oxide (MGO) in the nanocomposite form of iron oxide nanoparticles (IO)-graphene oxide (GO) with tunable core magnetism and magnetic resonance transverse relaxivity (r2)
With the rapid development of electronics and information technology, electronics and electrical equipment have been widely used in our daily lives. The living environment is full of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies and energy. Electromagnetic wave radiation has evolved into a new type of environmental pollution that has been listed by the WHO (World Health Organization) as the fourth largest source of environmental pollution after water, atmosphere, and noise. Studies have shown that when electromagnetic wave radiation is too much, it can cause neurological disorders.