Anonymous ID: 1f4f89 May 24, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.1531315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1374

There is real utility in this board whether people believe Q is real or not. One look at the notables section is a real insight to what people are interested in. It's like a drudge report or a one stop shop for compiling news and research. BO if you are interested in sharing numbers of how much traffic this board receives daily/weekly/monthly would be great for anons to see how much attention it is getting. They are many lurkers. Some of whom write articles or have large audiences. They get to see and gauge what really grabs people's attention and what news and subjects people are interested in and how they interpret news. This is vital to any news writer or researcher or even the feds as to what to investigate or write about. As you can see from the articles written 2 years vs 1 year ago vs now. This is driving the counter narrative. Keep up the good work. Information is the most powerful weapon and truth, the sword. The pen truly is truly mightier than the sword. We are winning everyday. We have all been slowly trained what to look for in terms of finding the truth and what is bs. Connecting dots that would otherwise not be connected. This is a team effort to thwart this insidious threat that is losing power by the day.

Anonymous ID: 1f4f89 May 24, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.1531563   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I really do hope Pientka gets a chance to testify and his info about the interview to come out. It's really obvious that they are preventing him from testifying exonerating Flynn. Please make it happen as General Flynn deserves to have his named cleared. He's a great man. I cannot wait to hear his testimony.

Anonymous ID: 1f4f89 May 24, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.1531713   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is POTUS telling us to look at q posts from 4.19?