Anonymous ID: bea86c May 24, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.1531594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1651


There were two meetings. The first meeting (the real one) had only the people Q said would be there.

In the afternoon, the head crooks got THEIR meeting - Rosenstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, et al.

How brilliant was this????

Anonymous ID: bea86c May 25, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.1539105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harvey Weinstein Arraignment:

Weinstein carried a copy of the Rodgers & Hammerstein biography, Something Wonderful, as well as a book about the life of Elia Kazan specifically for his perp walk in front of the cameras. He could have gone in privately, away from the cameras, but he chose to do it publicly. It is obvious he was not carrying the books to read inside the courtroom. It was already arranged that this was be an in-and-out ordeal—mug shot, finger prints, arraignment, bail, ankle monitor, and done. So, the two books were his way of sending a message to his inner circle, which is why he did it publicly and deliberately, since he has not been able to communicate his threat and his position to them since being charged in NY and specifically in light of the fact that he is looking at being charged shortly in LA.


Kazan book:

Weinstein is telling his inner circle that he is prepared to spill the beans on everyone. “Kazan, who was once one of the most celebrated directors in Hollywood, also had an epic fall from grace when he exposed communists in Hollywood during his 1952 testimony in front of the House Committee on Un-American Activities.” Weinstein has already fallen from grace with the American people; he has no qualms about falling from grace with his Hollywood “friends” if necessary.


Something Wonderful:

Weinstein is sending two messages. Keep in mind he is a creative individual and shares a very sordid past with many in Hollywood and politics. His first message with this book is that he has never known what his inner circle really thought of him (he’s scared). Secondly, the lyrics of the song that became the title of the book seems to be a message to those in his inner circle that they had better “help and protect” him as long as they live, because a “man who needs your love can be wonderful”, i.e., will protect you in return.


Purdum’s portrait [in Something Wonderful] is his attention to the … relations between Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, despite the united front they presented to the world. Each confessed late in life he had never really known what the other thought of him,…


Lyrics of Something Wonderful


This is a man who thinks with his heart,

His heart is not always wise.

This is a man who stumbles and falls,

But this is a man who tries.

This is a man you'll forgive and forgive

And help and protect, as long as you live.


He will not always say what you would have him say

But, now and then he'll say something wonderful.

The thoughtless things he'll do will hurt and worry you,

Then, all at once he'll do something wonderful.


He has a thousand dreams that won't come true

You know that he believes in them and that's enough for you.

You'll always go along, defend him when he's wrong

And tell him when he's strong, he is wonderful.

He'll always need your love and so he'll get your love

A man who needs your love can be wonderful.