Anonymous ID: dc02ec May 24, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.1531328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1386 >>1398

Marion Le Pen is dropping her (famous far right) surname.


"The move has further dismayed Jean-Marie Le Pen, the nationalist patriarch who co-founded France's National Front (FN) party in 1972 and built it up into a formidable political force.

First, his daughter Marine led a campaign to "detoxify" the FN after taking over as leader in 2011 – in the process disavowing Le Pen senior's history of incendiary rhetoric."


From <


Follow the pen? (Le=the) Pen is actually a Breton word for "head" or "chief" or "the peninsula" ; Pulling out of talks with NK announced too? Talks already completed anyways, but Michael Savage alluded to it being Bolton's fault for saying we'd use the Libya model… like when HRC said "We came, we saw, he died". Interesting…

Anonymous ID: dc02ec May 24, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.1531398   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The fact is that a number of French companies, including Total, Renault, and Sanofi, are based in Iran and could, according to the new sanctions, be affected by the US measures.

“By withdrawing from the 5+1 agreement, the United States, once again, broke their promise… for a second time in less than a month,” Le pen said.

She also mentioned that Emmanuel Macron bears his share of responsibility for the “illusions” he had about his ability to talk Trump out of withdrawing from the nuclear deal with Tehran.

“I resolutely condemn the position of Donald Trump and also that of the French diplomacy which, in its attempts to be even more neo-conservative than [US national security adviser] John Bolton, has found itself without US patronage and no alternative way to go, … He [Macron] finally refused to go to Tehran to defend the national interests [of France] and to listen to the position of the regime. He was only interested in the American-Israeli-Saudi axis,” Le Pen said in a statement released on Friday.

"All in all, it seems that very little has changed. Emmanuel Macron is just going to bring more socialism and open borders to the French. At the same time, the National Front is busy setting up a circular firing squad and some of their most high profile leaders are bailing out. So much for a wave of change sweeping through Europe I suppose. Now we just have to wait to see how things turn out in Germany. If Angela Merkel and her party recover and hold on to power there, the wave may be stopped entirely."