Excellent!!! One of my favorite movies!! ty anon!!!
Odds that the court grants Dominion's motion? 95%.
Those motherfuckers know how to get 'er done over there. We could learn something from those Kaza keks.
The only purpose for the sham J6 commission is to keep all comms between Nan Nan, CPD, FBI, McConnell and others from seeing the light of day. 1-6-2021 was planned and went down just like they wanted.
kek…………………and from what he was saying really had nothing to do with the motioning one would make saying somethng like, "all around, from here to there, running in circles etc……..Interdasting.
You mean like yourself?
Yea, I can only eat so much popcorn. I am ready for a nice juicy hamburger or a good fliet migon. Popcorn has gone stale.
Well, well. I think this explains an awful lot. Glenn Greenwald in my opinion, is the definition of a journalist. His credibility is solid. When he speaks, I listen.
We all have known about McConnell, Graham, Rubio, Cheney and others pm bth sides of the aisle. These people are the fucking traitors. These pieces of shit were more than willing to vote to convict POTUS on ZERO evidence. Absolutely zero evidence as they turned what should be a remedy for true and factual high crimes and misdemeanors into a political weapon. Unfuckingforgivable in my opiniion.
I've thought about this for a long time and granted, what Eric Snowden did in fact, hurt our intelligence capabilities but what he exposed is that those capabilities were not just being used and focused on our enemies. Those capabilities were being used politically against their oppoenents. I have come to the conclusion that what Snowden did was a positive, not a negative and "now we know" how fucking crooked and soiled our ABC's have become confirming the irrefutable truth that everything a progressive, communsit touches or influences turns to abject shit. Everything. Snowden should be pardoned.
Jullian Assange is quite the puzzle. All this man did was nothing no different than what the NYT's, WaPO and every other MSDNC news outlet has done forever. He published. He didn't steal, he didn't procure by nefarious means, he just published this informatiion. He, more than Snowden deserved to be pardoned.
Anons, this never gets cleaned up. Sterilized. It's too deep, far and wide. IT all how far they want to take it and judging by their psychotic behavior, they are going to take it the distance.
In short, we are FUCKED as a representative republic. Welcome to the 3rd World, shithole nation of AMERIKA.