The one who is least willing, is often the most capable.
Whispering is creepy!
Fair Weather Friends, my mom used to call them.
Half-Black man trying to sing Country is as pathetic as a White guy trying to sing rap.
Throughout the entire OT of the Bible, God kept telling the Israelites to NOT do what the heathens did.
The heathens made sacrifices to Satan.
The Israelites made sacrifices to God, as a symbolism of the Coming Messiah, the Perfect Sacrifice for our sins.
The heathens sacrificed children.
The Israelites sacrificed animals. And the animals that they sacrificed were used to feed the priests and their families, the Levites.
What Jesus did at the Passover Supper was symbolic of what he was doing for humanity.
The opposite of what the heathens did.
Jesus is the Passover Lamb, The Promised Messiah, Savior of Humanity. He paid the Eternal Death Penalty for our sins. He went to hell and back for us. Hell could not hold him, because of His Perfection. Hell can only hold onto unrepentant sinners, those who don't believe in Jesus as the Promised Messiah.
>get out of these failing government schools!
Just stop charging us exorbitant property taxes for the Socialist Public School System to waste. Let people keep the money that they have earned. People can homeschool or send their kids to small private schools.
The one room school houses supported by parents worked better than the mega government run schools that we have today.
Homeschooling is where the parent is in charge of their child's education. The parent is responsible for what the child is learning.
Cyber school, the government is still in control.
We need to get rid of the idea that it is the government's responsibility to educate children.
It is a parent's responsibility to feed, clothe, and educate their children, not the government's responsibility.
When people start to realize this, then maybe things will start to change for the better.