Lookin through my Jan 21 folder.
Last year at this time.
They stealin another one.
They are so fucked.
Lookin through my Jan 21 folder.
Last year at this time.
They stealin another one.
They are so fucked.
>They stealin another one.
>So Hannity is a backstabbing traitor?
>What??? who could have seen this coming?
you tards basing this on leaked texts from dem committee that literally fabricated leaked texts 3 weeks ago, reported by fake news.
They aren't sending their best.
You fags are almost as retarded as the Lin Flynn shills
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 07/08/2019 21:19:36 ID: 1c1fb4
Archive Bread/Post Links: 6958839 / 6958937
Direct Link: 6958937
Anonymous 07/08/2019 21:18:27 ID:84fc7c
Archive Bread/Post Links: 6958839 / 6958904
Direct Link: 6958904
Hannity just "Dropped the pen" again, using a very artificial tone
"follow the pen". Hannity was talking directly to us.
Haven't you figured it out by now?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/09/2018 14:51:28 ID: ff4ecd
Archive Bread/Post Links: 2947259 / 2947825
Direct Link: 2947825
Anonymous 09/09/2018 14:41:59 ID:7778e7
Archive Bread/Post Links: 2947259 / 2947705
Direct Link: 2947705
New shill tactic is to smear Sean Hannity
Just so everyone understands, Q has directly told us to watch Hannity. Q also links us to Sara Carter, who is literally on Hannity every single night.
Hannity is a patriot.
>Wow this entire board is just totally enthralled by this rogue rocket, huh?
Trump Card Coming dropped the next day. almost like clockwork