Anonymous ID: 9944f9 Jan. 5, 2022, 1:06 p.m. No.15314889   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>So Hannity is a backstabbing traitor?


>What??? who could have seen this coming?

you tards basing this on leaked texts from dem committee that literally fabricated leaked texts 3 weeks ago, reported by fake news.

They aren't sending their best.

You fags are almost as retarded as the Lin Flynn shills



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 07/08/2019 21:19:36 ID: 1c1fb4

Archive Bread/Post Links: 6958839 / 6958937

Direct Link: 6958937

Anonymous 07/08/2019 21:18:27 ID:84fc7c

Archive Bread/Post Links: 6958839 / 6958904

Direct Link: 6958904



Hannity just "Dropped the pen" again, using a very artificial tone


"follow the pen". Hannity was talking directly to us.



Haven't you figured it out by now?





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/09/2018 14:51:28 ID: ff4ecd

Archive Bread/Post Links: 2947259 / 2947825

Direct Link: 2947825

Anonymous 09/09/2018 14:41:59 ID:7778e7

Archive Bread/Post Links: 2947259 / 2947705

Direct Link: 2947705

New shill tactic is to smear Sean Hannity


Just so everyone understands, Q has directly told us to watch Hannity. Q also links us to Sara Carter, who is literally on Hannity every single night.


Hannity is a patriot.

