This will lead in to “the summer of love”. That time was extremely insane and takes a back seat to Jan6th. It’s not right. Extremely hurtful time for anon and have been under duress from that time. Everything is retarded
Who would get a “rush” out of something bad. Only thing anon gets a “rush” from is when 45 talks smack real hard on a post or at a rally
Is Sesame Street going to make that the word of the month? Or year? Bunch of phags.
Wasn’t the Naval Intelligence office at the Pentagon investigating the nearly two trillion dollars missing when “a plane” hit? Surprised they didn’t use “out of control Russian space junk” back then. Their bing card game is weak
>what was he talking about?
Jan 6th the most horrible thing ever to happen on earth. Also “I’m a gay-ass phaggot bitch”
Underlying headline seems to say antifa and BLM are going to drink horse sperm for the environment
Who trafficks people? Anon would like some decent food “trafficked” to anons location. People are insane
2020 election revelations?
Maxwell revelations?
Those are both on the front burners
On a scale of 1-100 anon cares about 1.7 only because this gives us something to shitpost about
Is there such a thing as an EMP chamber to short circuit any nanotechnology? Anon had that idea years back so if anon thought it… it’s gotta be true
anons knows people with kids that were seriously devastated by cyber-schooling. It wasn’t a “homeschool” scenario because parents still had to work and manage bills. So, it wasn’t ideal. The child said “I just want to see my friends”. That’s just one example. Many more. The lockdown was a major part of it because if they could learn from home and also see their friends it probably wouldn’t have been as bad. Anon ponders so much. Many small details anon thinks about.
>Faraday cage
Bucky Fuller’s dome over those houses seems like a decent model to start from. Would have to get a steam-powered and wood-powered heating system and chop any power cables off with an axe. No more WiFi or phones, either. Would be shitty b ex abuse shitposting is anons favorite sport
>Most discussions are lost or ended
Playbook known. Rebirth the convo next bread. They try and take away momentum.
Oh snap. Anon just had a thought from the aether. When it reaches “40k ft” bring out all those posts
Anon doesn’t know shit about aeronautics nor low earth orbit. Last anon saw it was like 18 miles up