Anonymous ID: d71b0d Jan. 5, 2022, 7:04 p.m. No.15317223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PB >>15315964 So yeah Daniel was running for Senate in AZ in the primary against McSally I volunteered for him as hewaspro-trump. I did alot of door knocking for him / collected signatures. McSally had all the media etc so she went on to face Mark Kelly and we all know how that ended. Recently he was trying to form a third party in AZ he was paying $12 a signature to get it on the ballot in 2022 and this anon thought it was a good time to make some money "he has a patent for makeup eraser, like a clorox wipe but for taking off makeup mansions etc" and was getting emails saying how easy it was to get 1000 signatures. But that was not the case all the places I went everyone was not happy with him and got someone to tell me why. Apparently after he lost the primary he got all pissy and was saying F-Trump on fakebook, was pissed that he could not get an endorsement in the primary "once the drop on F9 algo happened I dumped facebook so did not know" But people were really pissed with him "rightfully so stabbed Trump in the back" not sure if they got signatures or not, a couple of the people from his campaign are on Kari's campaign now think one comms director. Anyway he tried the same thing with McSally to put up $1Million to get her to debate him but did not get much air time, guess he is trying to ride the F-Trump wave to some kind of upcoming run not sure though. He has an ironically named website KMAO