Anonymous ID: 8613de Jan. 5, 2022, 8:10 p.m. No.15317668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7699

Ted Cruz has over $1 million potentially at stake in case to be heard before Supreme Court on Monday. Maybe his recent terrorist label re 1/6 Patriots (unless he was talking about Antifa- who are terrorists) was a down-payment on a favorable result before SCOTUS.

Anonymous ID: 8613de Jan. 5, 2022, 8:37 p.m. No.15317807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8200


To hear the oral argument on the stay of the OSHA COVID19 vaccine mandate (on employers with over 100 employees) before the Supreme Court (petition to Justice Kavanaugh) on Friday, and the one challenging the imposition of the vaccine on Medicare and Medicaid staff (petition to Justice Alito), go to Supreme Court website (link below) and click the "live audio" link. I think it it is scheduled for 10 am EST, Friday, Jan 7, 2022.


The two sets of consolidated cases are before the U.S. Supreme Court are Biden et al. v. Missouri et al., case number 21A240; Becerra et al. v. Louisiana et al., case number 21A241; National Federation of Independent Business et al. v. Department of Labor et al., case number 21A244; and Ohio et al. v. Department of Labor et al., case number 21A247.


The foregoing paragraph and a good summary is found at:

Anonymous ID: 8613de Jan. 5, 2022, 8:55 p.m. No.15317891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7899 >>7924

Coincidence that "anti-vaxxers" in headlines seem to be getting the Delta variant (I am assuming) and dying (!) while most of the rest of the world is getting the "healing/Covid plandemic-ending" Omicron?


Here's the latest:


"Deputy District Attorney and GOP activist Kelly Ernby wasn’t vaccinated when she died early this week after contracting COVID-19, according to comments her husband has posted on social media.


"Despite the news, Republicans leaders who counted 46-year-old Ernby as a friend and who agreed with her opposition of vaccine mandates said Tuesday that their positions haven’t changed."

Anonymous ID: 8613de Jan. 5, 2022, 9:01 p.m. No.15317921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8200



The mandate in the second set iof consolidated cases that will be heard on Friday had a much broader application than Medicare and Medicaid "staff":


"The Supreme Court justices also will hear arguments on Jan. 7 on whether the federal government can impose mandates on health-care workers who are employed in nursing homes and hospitals funded through Medicare and Medicaid in a similar case."

Anonymous ID: 8613de Jan. 5, 2022, 9:08 p.m. No.15317954   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If I'm not mistaken, the same boy is in another video waiting at POTUS' elbow while POTUS is signing a document. When POTUS seems to shift in his direction, the boy moves to hug him but POTUS misses it. The boy stays, confident. Sure enough, within seconds, he gets a big hug from POTUS, both smiling broadly.

Anonymous ID: 8613de Jan. 5, 2022, 10:08 p.m. No.15318179   🗄️.is 🔗kun



By "healing" I meant in a planet wide sense since it contains an insertion and other mutations that Fauci and others have called "unprecedented" and Dr. McCullough and others have characterized it, if I'm not mistaken, as a "natural vaccine" in that it is very contagious (so widespread) but its symptoms are very mild and NOT reaching the deep lung (therefore not typically fatal).




On new insertion in Omicron (Dr. McCullough's recent interviews - including with Epoch Times and this:


"Whereas the substitution and deletion mutations have appeared in previous SARS-CoV-2 lineages, the insertion mutation (ins214EPE) has not been previously observed in any SARS-CoV-2 lineage other than Omicron."


"We definitely saw variants coming," Fauci said on CNN’s "State of the Union." "What was not anticipated was the extent of the mutations in the amino acid substitutions in omicron, which was really unprecedented."


Sauce re viral replication from Omicron other than in lungs, Dr. McCullough and this:


"A preliminary study from Hong Kong found that while omicron replicates much faster in the bronchus (which carries air from the windpipe to the lungs) likely explaining how fast it spreads between people omicron isn't as good at replicating in the lungs as delta and other variants, which indicates lower disease severity."


On Omicron spread and lesser lethality:


"The Omicron variant is so “extraordinary” that it could “bump Delta off the table”, the top US infectious disease expert warned."


“With the rapidity with which these cases are accumulated, we hope that when we do get a peak soon and it will be soon — it’s going to be a matter of a couple of weeks that we then start to see just as dramatic of a decline,” he continued.


On Omicron as a "natural vaccine":


"In the UK, people who have been cured of Omicron have found high-level antibodies. Antibodies are the protective shield of your body, which fights against viruses and other diseases like coronavirus….. This shows that people are getting infected with Omicron but this infection is not dangerous for your body."


“At present, with the emerging data and global evidence, I can say with confidence that Omicron looks like a mutant that will cause very mild symptoms and help in strengthening the immune system.”


On treatment focus (not vaxcine only):

Anonymous ID: 8613de Jan. 5, 2022, 10:37 p.m. No.15318245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If memory serves, Gowdy's "history will be kinder to Comey" comment had reference to Comey's decision to remove the HRC decision from an apparently compromised and conflicted Loretta Lynch. (But then the compromised and conflicted Comey proceeded to make his own (protect-each-other and factually wrong) decision on Hillary's "stupidity but innocence.")