Teddy boy is a CRYPTO JEW.
How fucking hard is this, people?
But all of the three-letter agencies that were put into place to "protect" Americans are actually (((OCCUPYING))) America, and oppressing Americans.
For all intents and purposes, we live in an ANARCHY where (((THEY))) get away with bloody murder, while WE are being kept at bey by the very (((ANGENCIES))) put in place to "Protect us."
This is what happens when you allow the jews to take control over the money system.
25 D underwater checkersโฆ
I know. I have heard this story.
We have to let the enemy destroy us or they win.
The one on the left looks less like a jew than Cruz.
Let me guessโฆ It is when the jews take control over the monetary system, and take over / create agencies to keep the fucking jews in power?
Just a guessโฆ
It would be a shame for the peoples of the world to learn that all of the space programs are complete and total bullshit.
Of course they (((Secured))) the faclilities.
Imagine 5 BILLION PEOPLE going after every last liar on earth.
To me, it would be glorious. To them?
Kek. His PR team told him to come here and test the waters.
As fucked as that soundsโฆ I believe it.
Women are like that.
I once had a girl friend like liked sex in her ear.
Every time I tried to stick it in her mouth, she would turn her head.
Women are odd creaturesโฆ
That is why the JEWS created AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
As a lawfag, there is a lot of truth to this.
But as long as the JEW-LOVING BOOMERS and in control, none of that is possible.
I have represented people exercising their rights, and trust me, I know.
I was just spit-ballin', anon.
No offense intended.
And that. Which should not be overlooked!
I would normally agree, but when you consider that the BOOMER willingly MUTILATE their MALES through the barbaric practice of JEWISH PENIS MUTILATION, that is no longer a barometer.
Even the ZOOMER Koreans know, BOOMERS!
You should all hang your heads in shame and take the (((VACCINE))).
Pretty much sums it up. Put a Merchant head over the pig, and you got it 100%.
They tried doing it their way and found out.
Your statement is both TRUE and FALSE, but hey, that's what happens when we live in JEW CLOWN WORLD.
I am whining about genital mutilation, you stupid jew cunt.
If Russia takes over, then we will know for sure.
Don't get me wrong, anon. IF, and I stress the word IF, it is done right, it is GAME OVER.
The trouble is that there are some people that DO NOT DO IT RIGHT, and therein lies the problems.
And, yes, I am familiar with that material and attended conferences, talks, etc., concerning that particular subject matter.
I am familiar with that, anon.
However, most people have no idea what is going on since the JEWS took control over the educational system.
There are many people who have been fined and put in jail because they HAVE NO IDEA what the fuck is going on.
And, just so you know that I know, there is more to it than that. IOW, one does not have to go that far.
The problem is the JOG of the USA, along with their JOG POLICE. While they take an OATH to the CONSTITUTION, they have no idea what it means and enforce UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW, because they are JEW-LOVING JOG BOTS!
Here's the problem.
Most people would not know a constitutional law from an unconstitutional law with a fucking gun held to their head, and those that enforce the law are WORSE than boomers when it comes to this sort of thing.
Good luck, my friend.
Fuck off, jew. Your people are the reason why we are in this mess. Don't think that the tide is not turning against you and your kind, because it is. See what is happening around the world?
Take notice. Cry into your pillow. Tell your rabbi. It is coming to an end VERY SOON.
Screencap this.
Easier said than done. Especially when boomers have sold us out to their jew masters for over 40 years.
Nice projection and pilpul, jew.
I give it a 7.5 out of 10.
Don't forget to cry to your rabbi.
So the soulless jews had a god to worship.
Wasn't he the asshole that was MAYOR of JEW YORK CITY when the JEWS attacked us on 911, and then preached about terror for years afterward?
Yes. He was.
Yup. That god, anon.
"GLOWFAG NIGGER" in 3โฆ2โฆ1โฆ
Give it time, anon.
The NSA along with all of the other agencies were put in place to OPPRESS AMERICANS.
They were not "infiltrated." They are doing what they were designed to do.
Should call this anon โ >>15318235
A nation destroying jew that should be shot in the fucking face.
Don't know about that but people have tracked him to there or close to there, or so I read on the Internets.
I like that. I hope it become a series, anon.
Good times.