Anonymous ID: 7dc533 Jan. 6, 2022, 2:57 a.m. No.15318747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8749


>Anon wishes anon could take a deep deep dive into the Bible and attempt any kind of decode.


sensus plenior and restored notarikon



Read the alphabet as a message from God:


God spoke and created the heavens and the earth - א

He revealed to man - ב

He pursued them - ג

With the Word - ד

Which they did not understand - ה

It distinguished them - ו

As the bride - ז

When they did understand - ח

Through a marriage - ט

A new creation - י

The Son of God - כ

Taught - ל

The promise of the Father - מ

The Son of Man - נ

Fulfilled the promise - ס

In his flesh - ע

He spoke in parables and riddles - פ

Of the cross - צ

The Son of God redeemed man - ק

Revealing - ר

His word doesn't return void - ש

He completed his work - ת

The Son of God died - ך

Finished the earthly work of the Father - ם

The Son of Man restored to glory- ן

All prophecy was fulfilled - ף

Judgement was ended - ץ

Co-heirs with Christ - final shin

Anonymous ID: 7dc533 Jan. 6, 2022, 3:01 a.m. No.15318749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8766 >>8787


This is the short catechism of the Hebrew alphabet


They heard - אבגדה


God spoke and created the heavens and the earth א and revealed to men ב that he pursued them ג with a commandment ד which they did not understand ה.


They saw - וזחטי


They were distinguished ו as the bride ז when they did understand ח. Through a marriage ט they became a new creation י.


The promise - כלמנס


The Son of God כ taught ל the promise of the Father מ. The Son of Man נ fulfilled the promise ס.


The exchange - עפצ


He was made to be flesh ע, taught in parables, prophecies and riddles פ, and exchanged his righteousness for our sin צ.


The revelation - קרשת


The Son of God died and rose again ק revealing ר that his Word returned with an increase ש and the revelation had produced new life ת.


The final state - ךםןףץ


The Son of God died ך completing the promise of the Father ם. The Son of Man was restored to Glory ן. Prophecy was fulfilled ף. Judgement is ended ץ. And we became co-heirs with Christ.

Anonymous ID: 7dc533 Jan. 6, 2022, 3:12 a.m. No.15318766   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dive the first word of the Bible בראשית:


'In the beginning' בראשית


ברא-שית : created ברא six שית


ב-ראשית : in ב – the beginning ראשית


ב-ראש-י-ת : in ב - the authority of (heads of) ראש - the creator י – (makes it an object) ת


בר(אש)ית : a covenant ברית with man אש at the center


בר-אשי-ת : the son בר – offered total devotion (fire offerings) אשי – (makes it an object) ת


ב-ר-א-ש-י-ת - a revelation to man ב it is revealed ר that God spoke and created the heavens and the earth א his word did not return void ש his plan for creation י was finished ת


ב(ראשי)ת The daughter בת has her head ראשי in her heart (by position). A riddle that the daughter of God loves God (her head). ב(ראשי)ת ↬ Christ incarnate loving the Father, in the voice of the priest. And ☇↬ of the church loving Christ, in the voice of the prophet.