>Anon wishes anon could take a deep deep dive into the Bible and attempt any kind of decode.
sensus plenior and restored notarikon
Read the alphabet as a message from God:
God spoke and created the heavens and the earth - א
He revealed to man - ב
He pursued them - ג
With the Word - ד
Which they did not understand - ה
It distinguished them - ו
As the bride - ז
When they did understand - ח
Through a marriage - ט
A new creation - י
The Son of God - כ
Taught - ל
The promise of the Father - מ
The Son of Man - נ
Fulfilled the promise - ס
In his flesh - ע
He spoke in parables and riddles - פ
Of the cross - צ
The Son of God redeemed man - ק
Revealing - ר
His word doesn't return void - ש
He completed his work - ת
The Son of God died - ך
Finished the earthly work of the Father - ם
The Son of Man restored to glory- ן
All prophecy was fulfilled - ף
Judgement was ended - ץ
Co-heirs with Christ - final shin