Anonymous ID: 1c6f63 May 24, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.1532017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2045




Watch all areas, media, people, places…anywhere the enemy resides and LISTEN for, “THE QUIET.”

Parents know if their kids are playing at the house with their friends, as the noise and chatter comes from the play room while they cook in the kitchen, is a good thing to the ears of parents.

Parents know by the ruckus and noise that all of the kids are OK and therefore nothing bad or mischievous is going on even though they can’t see it.

When the parents realize their kids and friends have gone quiet? They know immediately something is wrong!

The parents stop cooking and go into the play room to check on the kids.

Simply because the kids got, “quiet.”


WARNING: “Listen” for THE QUIET.

When you hear the quiet, immediately turn and face the quiet and look.

Focus on the quiet.

Start analyzing the quiet and pursue it, so you can either qualify or disqualify the quiet.

Someone on 24watch for strange, bothersome and off-putting "quiet?"

Comey has a big mouth - that’s for sure. Clapper too.

Who have you not heard from?

Who else?

Are they connected?

Analyze the quiet once you recognize it.

Is the MSM trying to paint and narrate a scenario that would legitimize an attack on Trump (after the fact)?

MSM storylines will be extremely subtle with this type of narrative pre-planning.

MSM will be so called “quiet” with these type of stories.

You get the idea. People. Places. Media. WW leadership. Pundits. Etc.

The usual cast of bad actors, usual area of the enemy.

FYI, as you already know, protests and disruptiveness would be major distractions to THE QUIET.

Everyone forgets about the quiet.


Worst phrase to ever hear, “Where did this come from?

For those who are still secretly planning to physically get to Trump and do harm?

{THEY} have dangerously decided to become very “patient” in their plans of attack.

{THEY} have pushed aside small matters, like {THEIR} concern with the 2018 midterms and now it’s all about {THEIR} personal well-being and saving {THEMSELVES} if they can. Rightly so, 99.999% of {THEM} wouldn’t do well in prison.

{THESE} schemers of evil are the more powerfully connected of the bigger “whole” of evil.

{THEY} would be able to entice a lowly US Politician to act against Trump.

Watch, watch and then keep watching, “the quiet.”

There is something going on right now with the quiet.

Sounds all cryptic and everything, but just know one thing, “watch the quiet and watch wherever quiet is located.”

Just saying. Hope it makes sense. That’s all I’ve got.


God bless you all and keep you out of harm’s way.