Anonymous ID: 3c6557 May 24, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.1532028   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So the (((statement))) POTUS is referring to was the one made about VP Pence.


And this (((statement))) was made because Pence referred to Lybia:


Choe Son Hui, a vice minister in the North Korean Foreign Ministry, called Pence a "political dummy" for comparing North Korea to Libya, which abandoned its early-stage nuclear program at the U.S.'s behest, only to have its leader ousted and killed years later – with help from NATO-backed troops.


"There was some talk about the Libya model," Pence said in an interview with Fox News on Monday. "As the President made clear, this will only end like the Libya model ended if Kim Jong Un doesn't make a deal."


Choe called Pence's remarks "unbridled and impudent."


I find this interesting:


North Korea's decision to close the Punggye-ri nuclear test site had generally been seen as a welcome gesture by Kim to set a positive tone ahead of the summit. In a statement earlier Thursday, South Korea's National Security Council called the closing the North's "first measure toward complete denuclearization."


Not everyone was as optimistic, however.


The closing of the site is not an irreversible move and would need to be followed by many more significant measures to meet Trump's demand for real denuclearization.


North Korea also did not invite international nuclear weapons inspectors, opting instead for the impact of the television footage to impress the world.

Anonymous ID: 3c6557 May 24, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.1532560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2667

This 1978 CIA Bulletin claims China controls NK…


Who is this Western Observer allowed a 2 week inspection tour of North Korea?


As long as I can remember, Westerners were not allowed in NK.


This smells to me…read between the lines?