Anonymous ID: 8e7425 May 24, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.1532239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2257 >>2264 >>2268 >>2279 >>2282 >>2300 >>2336 >>2346 >>2349 >>2367 >>2369 >>2402 >>2420 >>2429 >>2457 >>2496 >>2651

Baker is not the BV you are looking for.. There's a few of us.

FemBV / GraveyardShiftBV reporting in, been lurking since the shitfest with the 'tits or gtfo' started in an attempt to just let people get tired of the subject. Like, really? Anons getting all up in arms about a titpost? Gimme a break. They also don't seem to realize very often that timezones exist. I do realize that most anons see right through the shills efforts and changing tactics/talking points, but I just wanted to post for anyone on the fence so they can make up their own minds on the situation (since I've deliberaly kept from posting due to not wanting to feed the potential shills and escalate things further. Remember, knee-jerk reactions and increased content-low chatter is what they want.)


I'm honestly so glad I responded to the 'tits or gtfo' request (when I fucked up and mentioned gender [like a dumbass leftie]).

It's creating some beautiful glow from certain someones though (you know who you are :heart: ). They're relentless and suck at photoshop, kek!

It's also my right to post whatever on here as long as it doesn't break the rules, like any other anon. If people were so offended by tiddies, then why not the baker girls, huh? o:


And to any non-shills with actual concerns regarding the situation?

I'm sorry, alright? I responded to a 'tits or gtfo' post for shits and giggles. If I'd known it would blow up like this I wouldn't have fucking done it o_o''

I just want to help keep the bread comfy and was acting without thinking too hard (ye ye, dumb woman I know ;) )

Keep digging and questioning everything like you do, anons! :)

You're doing good work on here!

Don't let the shills get you down and stay undivided! ^^


I hope I'll be able to continue to prove myself through action (which, really? On this board mostly means 'watch the boards and let people sort things out themselves but keep an eye out for CP, botspams and the like'), because words mean nothing without something to back them up.

Going back to lurking now, just wanted to send out my sincere apology to the hardworking anons here that might have been affected by my fuckup.

I just want to lay this to rest, personally, so I'll go back to volunteerlurking and digging now. o7

Over and out // Graveyard Shift / Fem Board Volunteer

Anonymous ID: 8e7425 May 24, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.1532626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2638





I've banned bots and spammers, to my knowledge.

None of the ip's banned are banned any longer, however.

Since I usually run the somewhat slower graveyard shift, I try to use dialogue before banning to test if people are actually bots or not.

Not sure who the trigger-happy BV is, unfortunately. You'd have to ask BO.


Last post from me on the topic. Got digging to do.

Keep up the good work, anons! :)