Anonymous ID: fd653b May 24, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.1532409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I said nothing for months and montjs and let them fuck it all up until she was a stupid ass and got lazy and outed herself to me one evening. Thread got deleted of course. I came on here a few weeks ago after silence for the most past NEVER EVER saying bv or anything until I saw 3 or 4 other Anons so pissed off at the BV. Its been a repeating pattern since the beginning. This woman is fucking with Q and the board non stop. It is for sure her job to destroy what we do. The man makes the shit toilet memes and she and him work as a team as much as they can stay awake. As mentioned 4 am to 9ish is gold here. Not much trolling but they leave the robot computer on while they sleep . This si what my mind has come up with. if they were in the USA they would not get away with it I bet. Just my thoughts. Im done. Liek Q said Attcks will intensify BOTH sides. Carry on Anons. She supports child murderers with every post. BELIEVE THAT .