Tippy Top day today anon! How about zero deltas with Q posts and Trump? But you don’t need that.
Personally- I don’t even know how I got here. But I’ve been here since February of 2018. I remember looking up ‘Cue’, ‘Kyew’, it took a second that it would only be a letter. I’d never heard of image boards. Not a tech person AT ALL. Don’t know how I got here. I LOVE this place. I love anons!
About 6 months in, my veil was lifted. I believe it was the posts here. The Wild West free speech and truth dropped. Having to discern what was real, what was trash. Learning that muh feels don’t have to be defended. I can scroll by with no pride and let things go.
In my real life I had reached a peak of ‘losing control’ of my family. I couldn’t keep them safe. There was an awakening that the spiritual realm was manifesting itself physically around me and my family.
I ran out of the rope I was climbing. I let go. Woke up the next morning and wondered why there was no rage on my heart. Jesus had healed me from a lifetime of depression/anxiety and addiction. It was GONE!
The next night two dark spirits tried to put it back on my chest as what looked like a small but heavy millstone! Can’t make up a millstone in my mind, but they tried and I rejected it. They left. I have been healed now three and a half years. I feel the power of the Holy Spirit in me daily.
The next year he healed my kid from OCD and anxiety then the next year healed my spouse from alcoholism! We are all on the same page now.
I believe this place prepared me for all of this. That Q was a messenger designed for waking us up. I’m forever grateful.
YOU don’t need any more proofs. The secret is truth. Jesus lives IN you when you invite Him in and allow Him to rule. Trust Him and let go.
I love you anon. Heads up- GOD WINS!