Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:09 p.m. No.15321699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1716 >>1720 >>1725 >>1730 >>1735 >>1745 >>1763 >>1765 >>1841 >>1882

MSNBC Guest Likens Capturing Jan 6 Footage to Filming Holocaust Camps


Who watches this rubbish?


A guest on MSNBC on Thursday likened capturing January 6 footage to filming Holocaust camps.


What a disgrace.


“Dwight Eisenhower during World War II made sure all the Holocaust camps were filmed, so we’ve got the films..” the lunatic on MSNBC said.


He also compared the January 6 protest to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor where thousands of Americans were killed.


“It is like December 7th, Pearl Harbor, it is like the 9/11 tragedy,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:11 p.m. No.15321719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1730 >>1735 >>1763 >>1841 >>1882

Triple-vaxxed, home-bound Whoopi Goldberg caught COVID, tells 'View' co-hosts 'it was a shock' — then claims it's what America will be facing 'unless everybody gets vaccinated'


So, are we calling fully vaxxed and boosted people who get COVID-19 "breakthrough cases" anymore or not?


With the rise and surge of the Omicron variant, report after report has shown that vaccinated folks can still get COVID — a fact that is surprising many, both on social media and in Big Media, despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky finally admitted last summer that vaccinated people can catch and transmit the coronavirus.


Walensky's admission came as quite a shock for a lot of folks, including, probably, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who just a few months earlier had been touting the COVID vaccines for allegedly doing what has been mankind's longstanding understanding of what vaccines do: Preventing recipients from getting bugs.


But now, the fully vaxxed and boosted are learning the hard way that they can still get the COVID bug despite doing the responsible thing that they've repeatedly lectured the vaccine-hesitant members of the population to do.


The latest big name to enter the realm of the vaxxed-yet-shocked-to-be-COVID-positive is "The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg.


On Tuesday's episode of "The View," Goldberg, donning a sweatshirt emblazoned with "OVER IT," explained that she had left the show a couple weeks before the Christmas break because she had been around someone who had tested positive.


Then, shortly before returning to the show Monday, as scheduled, she underwent required testing, and her results came back positive.


"I was all excited — and you know, they have to test us — and so they sent people to test me, and they tested me, and it was like, 'Oh no, you’re not coming back. We’re not sending anybody to your house. You have corona,'" she recalled Tuesday. "And it was like, ‘Wait, what?'"


"It was a shock, 'cause, you know, I'm triple-vaxxed. I haven't been anywhere. I haven't done anything," Goldberg added. "But that’s the thing about the Omicron, you just don’t know where it is. You don’t know where it is, who’s got it, who’s passing it. It’s one of those things where you think, ‘I’ve done everything I was supposed to do.'"


Then she admitted that the vaccine "doesn't stop Omicron."


Which she followed with an admonition to get vaccinated because the "variant gets stronger and does different stuff to you. So, you know, unless everybody gets vaccinated, this is what we’re going to be facing for the next, you know, little while."

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:13 p.m. No.15321729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sixth Circuit panel denies Biden Admin request to pause injunction against contractor vax mandate


The refusal mirrors a similar decision made by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals



A panel judges representing the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday rejected a request from the Biden Administration for a stay of a lower court injunction that barred the enforcement of a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for federal contractors.


In plain language, the administration would like to see its vaccine mandate, which was successfully challenged in a lower court, move forward as planned.


The three-judge panel was divided on the issue, with Judge John Bush writing for the majority, and Judge R. Guy Cole dissenting in part.


The opinion of the court explains that, in this instance, the federal government has "re-envisioned" the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act by mandating that "employees of federal contractors in "covered contract[s]" with the federal government become fully vaccinated against COVID-19."


"That directive sweeps in at least one-fifth of our nation's workforce, possibly more. And so an act establishing an efficient "system of property management," S. Rep. 1413 at 1 (1948), was transformed into a novel font of federal authority to regulate the private health decisions of millions of Americans," reads the opinion. "Because the government has established none of the showings required to obtain a stay, we DENY such relief."


The case, Commonwealth of Kentucky vs. Joseph R. Biden, is one of a handful of pending court challenges to the federal contractor employee vaccine mandate. The mandate differs from the mandate for healthcare workers and the OHSA mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees. Each has successfully been challenged and will be considered Friday by the Supreme Court.


A similar case pertaining specifically to the federal contractor requirement was recently assessed similarly by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which declined to stay the injunction placed on the mandate in Georgia vs. Biden. The decision was acknowledged by Judge Cole in his dissent.


"I recognize that the Eleventh Circuit recently declined to stay the national injunction imposed by Georgia v. Biden," he wrote. "Even still, I find that the government has made a "strong showing" in this case that it will prevail on the merits and has established that it will suffer irreparable harm without a stay."

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:23 p.m. No.15321809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1841 >>1882

Deputy minister says he regrets ‘subhuman’ settlers comment, but stands by criticism


After furor, Yair Golan says that his choice of wording about Homesh outpost residents may have been problematic; source accuses him of creating more divisions in coalition


Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan backtracked from remarks earlier Thursday branding Jewish settlers residing in an illegal West Bank outpost as “subhuman,” but stood by his criticism of the group.


Golan’s comments against settlers illegally operating a yeshiva at the wildcat hamlet of Homesh sparked a significant outcry from across the political spectrum throughout the day, with some political allies reportedly accusing him of entrenching divisions.


“I regret the remark, which may have included a problematic phrase. It was said out of anger and that can happen during an interview,” Golan told Channel 12 on Thursday evening. “I could have used a better expression, such as ‘despicable thugs’.”


The deputy minister stressed that he stood behind the essence of his argument against the actions of the Homesh settlers.


“The problem isn’t my remarks. It is a gang that systematically and consistently harms innocents, property, IDF soldiers and policemen and desecrates graves,” Golan said.


“I have fought Palestinian terror my whole life. I don’t need to be taught what it is, but I think the danger from within is greater than the dangers from outside. We Jews in Israel must uproot this evil,” said the deputy minister, who also once served as the IDF’s deputy chief of staff and has a history of speaking out against right-wing extremism.


The saga began earlier Thursday when Golan told the Knesset Channel that people attempting to settle Homesh “riot in the [adjacent Palestinian] village of Burqa, smash gravestones — they are carrying out a pogrom.”


“These aren’t people; they are subhuman, despicable people… they should not get any support and they should be removed by force from there,” said Golan, from the left-wing Meretz party.


Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked both harshly criticized Golan, along with other members of the government. The two are top lawmakers from the Yamina party, which draws much of its political support from the settlement movement.


Bennett tweeted that Golan’s remarks were “shocking, generalizing and a borderline blood libel,” and Shaked called the comments “disgraceful,” insisting that “the residents of Homesh are pioneers — pioneers and lovers of the land. The yeshiva in Homesh spreads Torah and light, which expels some of this darkness.”


Golan told Channel 12 he “regrets” their criticism, saying he supports the current diverse government and has good relations with all its parties, including the right-wing ones.


Supremacy cult

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:25 p.m. No.15321826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France Fines Google, Facebook Millions Over Tracking Consent


LONDON—French regulators on Thursday fined Google and Facebook a total of more than 200 million euros ($226 million) for not making it as easy for people to opt out of online tracking as it is for them to accept it.


The CNIL data privacy watchdog said its investigations found that while the U.S. online giants gave French users a single button to immediately accept cookies, there wasn’t an equally simple way for them to decline because “several clicks are required to refuse all cookies.”


Cookies are snippets of code used to target internet users for digital ads and other purposes. European governments have stricter regulations than the United States that require websites to ask for permission before tracking a user’s activity. That means people face pop-up menus when they visit new websites, but there’s been growing concern that many are configured to make it confusing or tedious if they don’t want to give consent.


Visitors to Facebook, Google’s French homepage, and YouTube were being nudged to say yes, which meant they weren’t freely giving their consent, a violation of French data protection rules, the CNIL said.


The French watchdog slapped Google with a 150 million euro ($170 million) penalty and Facebook with a 60 million euro ($68 million) fine. It also threatened daily fines of 100,000 euros if they don’t make it simpler for users in France to refuse cookies within three months.


Facebook, which has been renamed Meta, said it’s reviewing the decision and is committed to working with authorities.


“Our cookie consent controls provide people with greater control over their data, including a new settings menu on Facebook and Instagram where people can revisit and manage their decisions at any time, and we continue to develop and improve these controls,” the company said.


Google said: “People trust us to respect their right to privacy and keep them safe. We understand our responsibility to protect that trust and are committing to further changes and active work with the CNIL in light of this decision.”


Cookies have been a longstanding source of privacy concerns because they can be employed to track users across the internet. They can be used to help remember someone’s website log-in details or more controversially, to record someone’s web-browsing history to target personalized ads.


The French penalty underscores a broader shift in the digital ad industry as Google and Facebook, which dominate the market, and regulators in Europe and the United States work on phasing out more egregious data collection practices. Google has announced plans to phase out so-called third party cookies used by advertisers from its Chrome browsers, though it will still be able to track users of its own services.

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:27 p.m. No.15321842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892

TikTok star dead after uploading video about ‘voices’ in her head going ‘silent’


TikTok is mourning the death of influencer Candice Murley.


The 36-year-old mysteriously died Sunday, several days after claiming that the “voices in her head had gone silent.”


“We have received some news no one wants to hear, tonight we lost a huge part of our family, my sister Candice,” wrote Murley’s sister Marsha McEvoy, confirming the star’s passing on GoFundMe. “This was very unexpected, and our hearts are torn apart. Candice was so full of life and always lived life her own way.”


As of Thursday morning, the fund-raiser had amassed more than $17,000, which McEvoy wrote will go towards covering Murley’s funeral cost. Meanwhile any leftover cash will be “put in a trust for [Murley’s] son Maxwell,” per the page.


The devastated sibling didn’t disclose the cause of Murley’s death. However, two days before she passed, the mother of one had uploaded an 8-second video in which she said, “I hate it when the voices in my head go silent because then I don’t know what those f – – kers are up to.”


The alarming snippet followed a series of clips around the holidays, which included Murley playing with her cat Stash and slamming a beer while wishing the audience a “happy New Year.”


At the time of her death, Murley had more than 27,000 followers. Suffice it to say, TikTok had their own theories about what caused the late influencer’s tragic passing.


Some surmised that Murley had died due to “drug use,” and chastised the peanut gallery for glorifying her addiction.


“A lot of people here are really focusing on the online bullying and negative comments Candice received, a user by the name of Not Benard wrote. “Yes that was a major issue for sure, but please don’t bypass the fact that this is a clear indication of what mental illness, addiction, and substance abuse issues can do to a person.”


The commenter added: “Anyone watching her lately and saying, “She’s just having fun,” or, ‘She looked so happy,’ and, ‘So what if she does drugs or drinks,’ need to really think about what happened here and realize that it is not just the negative comments that can do harm, it’s when people turn a blind eye.”


Meanwhile, others claimed that cyberbullying was to blame. Fortunately, the lion’s share of posters offered their condolences.


“I’m actually in shock and saddened by this news,” said one crestfallen commenter. “Candice never pretended to be anybody else other than what she was.”


Another wrote, “Rest eas[y] Candice, Always enjoyed seeing your tic tocks on my fyp, and your kitty, may you rest eas[y] my condolences to your family.

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:29 p.m. No.15321850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oregon Man Sentenced to Federal Prison and Ordered to Forfeit Over $18 Million in Stock and Properties After Stealing Millions in Covid-Relief Funds

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:30 p.m. No.15321862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pennsylvania Man Admits Bank Fraud Conspiracy that Operated in South Jersey and Southeastern Pennsylvania

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:31 p.m. No.15321867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former deputy constable convicted in cocaine conspiracy

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:32 p.m. No.15321872   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pain Clinic Doctor And Staff Member Charged With Unlawful Distribution Of Opioids

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:34 p.m. No.15321884   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Westlake Investment Advisor Pleads Guilty to Stealing More Than $9.3 Million in Ponzi Scheme

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:35 p.m. No.15321893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Clinic owner sentenced in illegal kickback and money laundering scheme

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:38 p.m. No.15321912   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nightclubs to close, elective surgery paused as NSW considers new restrictions


As cases skyrocket, the NSW government is expected to announce a major reversal of multiple Covid-19 restrictions to get Omicron under control.


After a horror few weeks of skyrocketing infection numbers, furloughed staff across essential services and mass testing delays, the NSW government is set to announce a major reversal of multiple Covid-19 restrictions in a bid to bring the Omicron caseload under control.


Premier Dominic Perrottet will meet with the government’s Covid economic recovery committee this morning to sign off on the measures, which were decided following a meeting of the committee on Thursday.


The changes – which come after the state reported 70,000 cases across the last 48 hours – will include shutting nightclubs and banning singing and dancing in pubs, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.


Venues will be discouraged from allowing “vertical consumption” under the proposed changes, and there will also be a pause on some major events – risk-assessed by NSW Health – and certain elective surgeries.


The Premier flagged on Thursday that his government was “looking at suspending” some procedures.

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:50 p.m. No.15321982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PEDO BUN 6 January 21


Rhinelander Man Sentenced to 10 Years for Attempted Child Enticement


Gilmer County man admits to child pornography charge


Man Sentenced to 30 Years for Production of Child Pornography


Hudson County Man Sentenced to 108 Months for Receipt of Child Pornography


Johnston Man Sentenced for Possessing of Child Pornography


Citrus Heights Man Sentenced to over 24 Years in Prison for Sexual Exploitation of a Child


Lubbock Man Sentenced to 30 Years for Production of Child Pornography


Former Puyallup, Washington, resident pleads guilty to pressuring young girls to send him sexually explicit images

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 1:54 p.m. No.15321998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2008 >>2011 >>2031 >>2108

Demon Spawn: Jan. 6 Protests an Attack on Democracy – Therefore We Need Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop Boxes, No Election Observers and No Voter ID Laws


If they can’t cheat, they can’t win.


Demon spawn Alexander Soros used the anniversary of the January 6 protests to push the Democrats’ election stealing legislation.


The Democrats want mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, midnight dropboxes, no election observers and no voter ID laws.

They want to legislate stealing.

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 2 p.m. No.15322027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PM urges Australians to check if they’re eligible for $750 COVID crisis payment as Omicron outbreak surges


The payment is worth $750 for each seven day period a person has been told to self-isolate or quarantine.


The one-off payments are available to an individual twice within a six-month period, if certain criteria is met.


To be eligible for the crisis payment, you must:


be eligible for an income support payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance

be in severe financial hardship

be in Australia when you claim

have proof of a COVID-19 test requiring you, or the person you are caring for, to enter quarantine or self-isolation.

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 2:07 p.m. No.15322057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2066 >>2071 >>2085 >>2090

Dan Andrews introduces even MORE tough Covid restrictions for Victoria as cases surge - here's what you need to know about the new rules


Victorian hospitality venues have one person per 2sqm density limits enforced

Residents have also been advised to work from home as Covid cases surge

Victoria saw a record 21,997 new infections and six deaths on Thursday

Those who test positive on RATs must report result to the health department


More Covid-19 restrictions have come into force in Victoria as cases continue to skyrocket in the state.


Density limits of one person per 2sqm will be brought back for indoor areas at hospitality venues like pubs, nightclubs and restaurants as of 11.59pm on Thursday.


These rules will not apply to indoor cinemas and theatres as people are seated and are wearing masks but will be enforced in arcades and casinos.


Victorians have also been strongly advised to work and study from home until Australia Day.


Health Minister Martin Foley confirmed the changes on Thursday after declaring the state was in a 'new phase' of the pandemic.


'What is clear is that we are in a new phase of this pandemic, and a new phase of how we need to respond,' he said.

Anonymous ID: 75eda4 Jan. 6, 2022, 2:23 p.m. No.15322140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2156

Stu Scheller: We Need Criticism of Military Brass to Help Junior Service Members


Former Marine Lt. Col. Stu Scheller, who lost his career after demanding accountability over the botched withdrawal in Afghanistan, argued in an exclusive interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily on Thursday that criticism of military generals is needed to help junior service members.


Scheller told show host and Breitbart News Editor in Chief Alex Marlow, “Military leaders that should be advising on [Afghanistan] absolutely can be held accountable, and it just goes back to [how] we’ve been lionizing the military. People want to show appreciation, and criticizing them almost feels un-American. But the truth is, we need criticism of those general officers more than we ever have before to help the junior service member.”


He said while senior officers have closed ranks and expressed disapproval over his speaking out against the military chain of command, junior enlisted Marines have privately supported him.


“I couldn’t drive into the gate without somebody wanting to shake my hand, or give me a hug, or take a picture with me,” Scheller said.


He said there is a “long list” of military and civilian leaders who should be held accountable at the operational and strategic level, drawing a comparison to the tactical successes but strategic failure in Vietnam.


“We are winning every battle, the tactical level of war with the young service member — they are successful. Every single time. Where we are failing more is at the operational-strategic level…So when you’re talking Iraq and Afghanistan, that’s the CENTCOM combatant command; that four-star general takes what the National Security Council and the president are telling him and translates it into military members executing plans on the tactical level,” he said.


“That link — from the four-star combatant commander to the National Security Council, secretary of defense, President of the United States — is where we are failing,” he said.


He said after Vietnam, general officers were not held accountable and sought to focus on the tactical level, “even though that’s not where the failure occurred, and the same thing is happening right now with the GWOT [Global War on Terror] generation.”


He said now they’re saying, “‘We need to mature the force. We need to look at distributed operations. We need to do all these different things on a tactical level.’ That’s not where we’re failing. We need to hold general officers accountable at the operational level. We need to hold the secretary of defense — there’s a long list of them [who] need to be held accountable — for the failures in the link between the strategic operational to the tactical level, and so that, to me, is the fundamental problem, and how you do that is you hold general officers accountable.”