DS: we need a really huge douche-looking phaggot
Vindman: I’m just who you’re looking for. Sign me up
DS: we need a really huge douche-looking phaggot
Vindman: I’m just who you’re looking for. Sign me up
Anon knows more people that “tested” positive for rona that got the jab than those that did not. Just happened again to an entire family. These stories are ghey
Anon thinks that’s the wrong word. Is what it is but it’s more like a tortoise walking a gorillion miles
>wait til half quit
Like the people that disappeared the tractor trailer full of ballots? Maybe it’s a house cleaning with a cover story. Just think about it a little deeper… who would make the best clowns? Someone that walks a neighborhood everyday with ghey shorts? It’s full of spies.
Anon saw him on Fox earlier. Couldn’t en believe what he he was saying about 45. That’s the end of that career
It has always seemed to be the plan that 45/Patriots/Anons/etc always take the big blows first so later when the boomerang comes back around normies/lefties can’t say shit. The Summer of Hate and the million or so people that attacked police, burned down cities, burned down govt buikdings, terrorized neighbors for months will get a taste of their own bullshit. Anon laid awake for nights and nights terrified from what was happening where anon lived. Pure, raw duress. All the crazies knew anon was a Trump supporter and they immediately, across the Country, turned Floyd riots into an anti-trump riot. Scary time and anon is rarely scared