will probably need to swing that dildo harder to "slice up America" mason traitor
>Define, "mutilate."
How about "doing stupid shit just so people look at you whereupon you can delude yourself into believing that they are admiring how cool you are"
(works best when sitting on loud Fagcycle and revving engine)
>At the end of the day anons will look back and see why GEOTUS took certain positions.
with marshmellows ?
>Need some info from the anons that have kept up with the COVID
>Anyone else noticing alot of politicians are super panicky right now?
>What's going onโฆ ?
>7pm EST
>Let us pray
Homo7 for VICTORY !!!!
>so what does it mean?
Right now ?
means every hollyweird freak and others that were club members are terrified that the public will discover the sick demonic crap they have been up to and would rip them to shreds if possible
Dig hole and try to hide or suicide, they thinking about that right now
>So who are these people?