Doesn't matter, he will get 80 million votes in 2024. Democrats will steal the midterms and laugh right in our face.
Doesn't matter, he will get 80 million votes in 2024. Democrats will steal the midterms and laugh right in our face.
The bots are out in full force attacking Novak Djokovic too. It's a fucking joke that these people continue to get away with their treachery. Many people are going to get killed because of these psychopaths. They are clearly sticking to a script and are taking orders from the World Economic Forum/ Davos Group / United Nations / Bilderberg / Etc.
I promise you this, millions of Americans would rather burn this God Damned country to the ground before we allow the globalist traitors to steal our homeland. When Australian style tactics arrive to our shores, in the coming months, there will be pushback from patriots. Prepare accordingly.
Leaders inspire. From 2016 until early 2020, I would have risked my life to fight for Trump if he would have made the call. Watching him rollover like a beat dog was one of the most demoralizing accounts that I've ever witnessed. Nobody is inspired to fight for someone who wouldn't fight for them. A leader will rise out of this low point in American history, but it will not be Trump. He had his chance and caved. As long as Christendom is divided and oblivious to the war being waged against us all, then we don't stand a chance. The satanists have to die or else we don't get through this.
You better be getting your body into peak physical condition. Get jacked, buy adequate weapons, and have plenty of food/water. Of course, I'm aware that most here have studied enough history to know what will soon be unleashed on The United States. You do as well. I'm just sending you a friendly reminder to prepare accordingly.
We were told the criminal traitors would be tried and prosecuted. That didn't happen. Not even one known criminal was prosecuted by Trump's DOJ or Military. All we got were Biden led coverups. I'm pointing out a fact that cannot be argued. Maybe Trump was terrified of the chaos that would ensue, maybe not. Either way, nothing happened. He had his chance and didn't get the job done. An attempt that results in a failure is acceptable. However, dereliction of duty is not.