Wonder if Joy Reid's closet Publicists, fauxNOnews, will scoff her up if she is, indeed, "fired" by CommieCast?
With Fredo out of the limelight, whoever else will they "report" on?
Wonder if Joy Reid's closet Publicists, fauxNOnews, will scoff her up if she is, indeed, "fired" by CommieCast?
With Fredo out of the limelight, whoever else will they "report" on?
Look to Georgia, too. CCP Kemp and the former Sec of State, Cathy Cox (who magically "moved on" from Mercer Law School in 2021 after slandering Lin Wood; Was Former GA. Sec. of State ( 1998-2006).
2/28/2008 | Author: ProCon.org “The new touch screen system has won acclaim throughout the state and across the nation, and has made Georgia elections more accurate and more accessible to the disabled and visually impaired.”
www.sos.state.ga.us (accessed Apr. 5, 2006)
Her election reform effort made Georgia the first state to deploy a uniform electronic voting system in every county https://archive.md/wip/T50Rh * https://votingmachines.procon.org/source-biographies/cathy-cox/
June 21, 2010 On Heels of Diebold/Premier Purchase, Canadian Firm Also Acquires Sequoia, Lies About Chavez-Ties in Announcement
“Intellectual Property” of voting systems still owned by firm linked to Venezuelan President, despite press statement to the contrary.
…and, right out of the gate, they’ve lied about it…the company which may now, virtually overnight, have become the dominant private e-voting machine company in this country.
Dominion’s spokesperson, formerly of Diebold, formerly the Press Secretary for the Secretary of State of Georgia… Chris Riggall, confirmed the insider’s take to The BRAD BLOG…https://archive.md/E9URv *
Just to be clear:
Sept 16, 2004 Holding the Vote-Counting Machines Accountable
Chris Riggall, a spokesman for Georgia's secretary of state, Cathy Cox , said that state officials decided that they could not screen the new system in time for the fall elections. https://archive.is/wip/sYP7B
KEMP: Love Affair (literally!) with China
He's the one trying to wrestle it back from the grasp of COMMUNISTS - Blackmailed UniParty and their rotten "msm" including Controlled Opposition FAUX.
What was going on behind Gowdy's right shoulder, anyway?
Whatever became of the AwanS, anyway?
While Imran and Abid Awan ran their car dealership in Falls Church, Va. in the early part of the decade, Drug Enforcement Agency officials a few miles away in Chantilly were learning that the Iranian-linked terrorist group frequently deployed used car dealerships in the US to launder money and fund terrorism,
The money that disappeared between the Awans’ dealership, some $7 million in congressional pay, the equipment suspected of disappearing from Congress under their watch, and their other side businesses — all while they displayed few signs of wealth and frequently haggled in court over small amounts of money — raise questions about whether the Awans might have been laundering money or sending it to a third party.
“Based on the modest way Awan was living, it is my opinion that he was sending most of his money to a group or criminal organization that could very well be connected with the Pakistani government,” said Wayne Black, a private investigator who served as law enforcement group supervisor in Janet Reno’s Miami public corruption unit. “My instincts tell me Awan was probably operating a foreign intelligence gathering operation on US soil.”
Officials told Politico that prosecutors refused to help them punish top Hezbollah operatives involved in its money laundering network because of political concerns, such as fears of jeopardizing the Obama administration’s deal with Iran…. The disclosure of a House IT breach shortly before the election by Pakistani-born Democratic staffers would have had political fallout.
Abid Awan is married to a Ukranian named Nataliia Sova, who was herself on the House payroll as an IT aide in 2010 and 2011 for Reps. Emmanuel Cleaver, Ted Deutch, and Gabby Giffords. Abid incorporated Cars International in 2008, and Cars International A in 2009, taking out loans from the Congressional credit union while omitting the dealership from House financial disclosures. It was not clear how he could have been working at both the dealership and a high-paid congressional job.
In 2010, the CIA dealership took a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar, who is of Iranian heritage and was a minister in the Iraqi government, according to court records. Al-Attar is a fugitive wanted by the U.S. government. Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, wrote that Attar “was observed in Beirut, Lebanon conversing with a Hezbollah official” in 2012–shortly after the loan was made.
The money was moved from Ali Al-Attar through accounts intended for Fairfax County real estate. Both Imran Awan and Khattak — who also put up $200,000 in cash as an investor in CIA — had realtors licenses.
Despite brothers Imran, Abid and Jamal and Imran’s wife, Hina Alvi, all making chief-of-staff level salaries of $160,000 on Capitol Hill, they displayed few signs of wealth in the US, further raising questions about where all the money was going…
They bought houses will little money down, then rented them out, insisting that rent be paid in cash, tenants told TheDCNF. Sources said the FBI generated Suspicious Activity Reports hundreds of pages long based on large cash deposits and international wires.
Members of Congress have refused to acknowledge what is well-known among the House bureaucracy, that investigators found conclusive evidence that the Awans wantonly violated House IT regulations. “There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day,”… https://archive.is/CRuvs
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran. https://archive.is/MFHiV
> cat food
You know they are strict (obligate) carnivores, don't you? Ever look at their teeth, and jaw motion? They aren't capable of grinding - zero flat molars. Ever wonder why vomiting "food" up is synonymous with "cat"? Shouldn't be "normal" with ANY living ceature.
Their jaws, like dogs' jaws, can't gyrate sideways – only up and down; Teeth designed to shear (raw) meat.
Don't take some anon's word for it, though. Look into its mouth. Naked Eye won't lie. #SuspensionOfDisbelief
Harvard Law paper written just prior to China's DRY RUN (remember those 2006-7 mass recalls with poisoned pet food?) Thorough, long read:
Deconstructing the Regulatory Facade: Why Confused Consumers Feed their Pets Ring Dings and Krispy Kremes Citation
Deconstructing the Regulatory Facade: Why Confused Consumers Feed their Pets Ring Dings and Krispy Kremes (2006 Third Year Paper) Abstract
Americans own more than 130 million cats and dogs and spend over $12 billion per year on commercial pet foods. The commercial pet food industry faces minimal substantive regulation, despite navigating several layers of regulation from various groups including the FDA, the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), and state regulators.
The FDA entrusts AAFCO to issue regulations governing ingredients, feeding trials, labels and nutritional claims. But AAFCO's rules fall short of ensuring that America's pets receive adequate nutrition, or even foods that cause chronic digestive, skin, eye, and coat problems. The influence by the pet food industry over AAFCO manifests itself through AAFCO's irrational regulations, including ingredient definitions which effectively prohibit organic chickens and vegetables,
while blindly permitting thousands of euthanized cats and dogs to make their way into pet foods through the unsupervised rendering industry LITERAL STE-BY-STEP UNDERCOVER FOOTAGEGRAPHI https://youtu.be/g9DTzDfYMxo
Trusting, but uneducated, consumers purchase these commercial pet foods under the assumption that the FDA or some other regulatory body has ensured that the foods contain balanced meals, and complete nutrition. These consumers naively believe veterinarians that endorse and sell pet foods from their offices while neglecting to mention that these pet doctors are often on the take and can earn up to 20% of their total income from such sales. This paper will examine the ways in which inadequate regulation results in confused consumers and sick, malnourished pets. Ultimately this paper seeks to reveal that multiple parties, including consumers themselves, share the blame for the current muddled state of regulation.
"Strictly" cat people generally suck. Don't even feel badly for them any more, ads they tend to hate everyone/thing but their cats.
(Not to be confused with people who wouldn't want to see any animal hurt. Nasty cat-ONLY people, in general, don't fall into this category, unfortunately)
Love them all. Have owned both species (always had strays). Had to keep segregated from 5+ dogs, kek. Well behaved, thank God, so didn't have to re-home.
The ones who love cats, and only cats however, are different, and fall into the "Karen" category. There are stereotypes for good reason. Are either effeminate makes (straight one are the worst), or the nasty and generally man-hating fems.
Not to be confused with regular folks who have a cat due to space/time, and would care for any species. The ones who "hate" dogs and other animals, not coincidentally, aren't nice to be around for human or animal.
Worked with a woman who was so nasty, asked her "cats or dogs?" knowing it wouldn't be dogs. She said "Neither". Should have known, kek.
Bless the anon who made this one
Meant to add – saved! Another classic