Interesting observation about Macron. Looks possessed, captured, scared and paraded on stage as if he's owned.
Interesting observation about Macron. Looks possessed, captured, scared and paraded on stage as if he's owned.
>>15325165 LB
>Democrats Call For Violent Insurrection
>KanekoaTheGreat Published January 7, 2022 1,066 Views
This video should be made to go viral again.. Hypocrites, every single on of them.
Another word for sick perversions. A lot of things very wrong about those images but they call them 'Surreal art' as an excuse to get away with them
This was reported last year as well.. All those flights for nothing for over a year..
Traitors eye. That blank look when you know that you've betrayed someone.
Must admit, the other man had an equally odd expression on his face, almost a look of 'I'm showing the world that I own you and have we got away with it?'
What's with the baby resting its' arm on the ham? It's like the image associates the baby with a piece of pork. Which is probably the idea but most don't realise it.
After over 1.5 years, I'm pretty sure that everyone has been exposed to 'whatever it is' by now one way or another.