Fuck that rat faced faggot. I know he has SAID some great stuff but when it comes to action not so much. Sort of like the people in congress do absolutely nothing and have no fucking value.
well if you only have 3 good ones, then losing one really does not make any difference. Fuck the entire institution. This just shows it is time to reform this nation and recreate it.
the answer was a few months ago, something about studio capacity for reporters because of social distancing.
never said it was a good answer but that is what i recall from months ago. Sauce was provided at the time but can not recall where anon sauced it from.
if the jury can be thrown out in the maxwell trial because some of them were sexually abused. The SC fucks should have to recuse because they are just as biased.
thy are not speaking about law but propaganda. They are retarded bitches soon the SC will prove itself useless just as congress has.
if an anon uses that app that lets people see the discount numbers would that work still. I don't have it but i have heard such a thing exists.
runs in the family.
wonder if he was recently booster or if boosts will just kill the olds faster
they are going for multiple power grabs right now. Racism is a public health issue also. They are using language to alter the rules.
HAHAHAHH this is such a clown show.
fucking gross.
never, you know her type can never shut the fuck up.
muh health and safety.
But if the vax worked why are they so concerned about personal liberty of those who can or choose not to take it. The libtard arguments are all political and not legal.