Anonymous ID: 190ebb May 24, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.1533004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3124


Ignoring the fact that this IDIOT is taking Trump's positions on nationalism WAY out of context, he's also, apparently, VERY ignorant to be calling himself a "Bishop". I mean, at this point, really, even I could just put on a robe and call myself a Bishop like so many others. Fuck it, maybe I should…


Besides, if he actually thinks miscegenation and multiculturalism are promoted in the pages of the greatest book ever put together, then he essentially rejects it. I mean, I'm not a Biblefag (anymore), but people like this that want to pontificate "God's Will" piss me the fuck off because so many believe their tripe, while it's so incredibly easy to disprove them. We refer to these as "Buffet Christians". Taking what they want from the Word, and leaving the rest out.


I mean, the Bible is replete with passages that teach that nations and the peoples of those nations are not only different, but overtly supporting the ideologies of ethnonationalism. Only in SPIRIT do the Old/New Testaments teach that we're one – IN SPIRIT.


But whatever; I digress.