Anonymous ID: c52064 May 24, 2018, 4:49 p.m. No.1532806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2819 >>2831 >>2853 >>2862

The Daily Caller

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12m12 minutes ago


More Updates Emerge From NFL Star Being Taken Into Custody. They Will Make Your Skin Crawl


More details have emerged from Richie Incognito being taken into custody for a mental evaluation, and they’re not good.


The former Buffalo Bills player was taken into custody after a recent alleged altercation at a gym. TMZ has now given us some insight into what was said, and it was brutal. In fact, Incognito reportedly believed he was in possession of highly classified NSA documents. (RELATED: NFL STAR HELD BY POLICE FOR PSYCH EVALUATION. THE DETAILS ARE DISTURBING)


TMZ reported the following update:


Richie Incognito was suffering an “altered, paranoid state” when confronted by police at a Florida gym … “and believed ordinary citizens were government officials that were tracking him.”



“There’s a guy walking around with headphones on,” Incognito said … “I’m running NSA class level 3 documents through my phone. I can’t have anybody in blue tooth capability of me or taking pictures of me.”


The officer says he asked Incognito why the government was trying to watch him and Richie told the cop he didn’t have high enough clearance.


This whole thing is sad and tragic. I don’t know how to even respond to a situation like this. I can’t imagine being a cop, and having an NFL player tell me I don’t have clearance to see these NSA documents. That’s about has clear cut as it gets to know that there’s a serious problem.


At the same time, I think we can understand why this is kind of funny to envision such a large guy running around the gym telling people about how he has highly classified documents. I would probably honestly think the guy was just joking around. That’s the sad part. I’m sure there were many people who weren’t sure what was going on.


Like I said before, I really hope he gets any help he might need at this point.