>15327418 (lb)
Not a prediction service.. It's a waypoint organizer and database. Q at the top of the mountain looking down. Anons were at the bottom wanting to know the way up. Q has the trail/path overview, anons are in the deep dark forest. Anons at path divergences or blockages have a choice. If the path chosen is the correct one, there should be a recognizable waypoint/landmark that will be visible at a certain point on that path to let them now they took the correct turn. Future proves past.
Mirror is alluding to Q vs anon's perspective. Q looking down means his left is anon's right, so for anons, calculations/translations have to be made, it's not all going with the gut. Discern, calculate and translate. Don't take the MSM's word for it.
The way thing's are shaping up it looks like we're already past tree line. A lot more things seem obvious that were hidden 4 years ago.
A simple sign system and cairns would have been easier, but that would have made it easier for clowns & co., as well. Have to stay tuned in and keep up with the lingo to collect all the info offered up by Q and the diggers in order to make the correct turns. Some of those wrong turns could be a trap. Dangerous animals and all.