All that studying and still doesn't have a clue - a regular coal miner could make more sense of COVID BS data.
Thank you God for not making me a tranny - I do feel sorry for these freaks of society and do not wish the mental illness they suffer from on any one… Explains why so many turn to satanism, I guess.
I wish somebody would do that to the real hollyweird sign - it cause so many question to be asked by normies…
Is that what Q meant by "You're watching a movie"? The globalists just put on a show with actors and everything is scripted by them? Was Trump just an actor too? Pushed clot shots like a Pfizer sales rep….
By pushing clot shots - Trump has not only not gained normies he may well lose patriots unless he goes on an apology tour…
If these morons don't even have the right data, what the fuck use are these baboons to anyone?
Add them to the list of traitors.
"Given out" at 100 billion dollars every few quarters… con fucking job.
Most clocks even when broken are right twice a day, but the Q clock can't even be right once in 5 years and counting.
Predict one thing coming up…
Trump is looking more and more like controlled opposition… the more he pushes clot shots for Pfrizer, the more I say fuck off.
When Q said movie, I think it meant more that the world govt's are not controlled by the people - they are actors put in by globalists to keep people confused, fighting and lost while they rob the world blind.
Can and AI Robot get a meaningful erection?
Everyone I know that test positive for this COVID shit has ZERO symptoms to go with it… PCR test results are purely for political theater.
Traceroute confirms…
1.|– ??? 100.0 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2.|– 0.0% 3 0.4 0.9 0.4 1.6 0.6
3.|– 0.0% 3 22.2 8.4 1.2 22.2 12.0
4.|– 0.0% 3 0.8 1.4 0.7 2.8 1.2
5.|– 0.0% 3 5.1 2.7 0.9 5.1 2.1
6.|– ??? 100.0 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
7.|– ( 0.0% 3 74.4 74.7 74.4 75.2 0.4
8.|– ( 0.0% 3 75.8 76.1 75.8 76.6 0.4
9.|– 0.0% 3 75.3 75.7 75.3 76.4 0.6
10.|– 0.0% 3 77.0 80.1 77.0 83.1 3.0
11.|– ( 0.0% 3 75.3 75.5 75.3 75.6 0.1