Destiny doesn't meet you…you find it.
We already voted in massive numbers and yet, here we are.
Communists do not willingly, or peacefully give up power once obtained. They must be removed, by force if necessary.
They expect us to respect their illegitimate authority while they deny our constitutional rights. They count on our peaceful and passive obedience right to the grave, while they become stronger and we become weaker.
The odds will never be more in our favor than now. This is worldwide.
We are the 7.8 billion. They are a few thousand at most. We outnumber them 1,000,000:1 The problem is people think like sheep and not like lions.
Wake the lions. Remove the fleece. Get in their faces 24/7…follow them to their refuges, bring to them what they seek to bring to the people.
Oppose tyranny. Openly, secretly, actively, passively, alone and in great numbers.
No rest before freedom. If it means a fight, then they chose it. We are more numerous than the sand, and they but a few pebbles and soft.
Pray for peace, but prepare for war. A short one, followed by a long peace.
Everywhere I go…patriots. Men and women who know what's coming. Even the other side is acting hard, but concerned, because they know it too.
Everyone knows what's coming…and nothing can stop it.
We will get it ALL back and fix it so there won't have to be a third American revolution.
I am hopeful, but a student of history, both past and the very recent. As such, I am a cynic.
Pretty sure this is getting solved by making a list and checking it off twice.
We didn't start this, but we've seen this movie before and prefer the happy ending over the tragic one.
Your assumption that we voted for these wicked doesn't square with what we, especially here, know about our elections.
The communists have been placed by communists; either by fraud or finances.
Yes, very.
It does, but it is made so by men and women on the ground. We have the government we tolerate. Same for crime. These days, it's the same thing.
Enough tolerance. Time to serve pain to those who think they control the storehouses of misery.
Angels carry swords and not just for show, but as warning to the wicked, that there are penalties and those who mete them out.
Lettuce mete.
Literally the whole of WWII was fought in less time than we've been chewing on this bone.
It's time for some good old fashioned pitchforks now. They've done nothing but dig in deeper and deeper. Now it's time to dig them out.
Lemme guess, in two moar weeks?
Wait until they tell the permanent welfare class that anyone who's been on the dole for 5 years or more is cutoff so that an immigrant can have a chance. It'll be like an anthill frenzy.
Understood and respected. That said, some of us, many of us, had a deadline that if there wasn't real action on the ground, then …
We the people…
Whatever happened to all those sealed indictments? Perhaps we are those who break the seals.